CLIMB Observing Run UT2011Dec06
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Program: M4 --- Kraus
Observers: Chris, Xiao
Weather: clear
Seeing: 1-3cm through whole night, gets a little better at the end
Baselines: E1(1) - E2(3) - W2(5)
Combiner: CLIMB
HD69897 (cal) - sig gem - HD58946 (cal) ---2 brackets HD85945(cal) - ups UMa - HD83564 (cal) ---2 brackets
Note: Only W2E1E2 are available tonight, the rest telescopes are closed for different reasons.
The seeing is still horrible tonight. We started with MIRC combiner, but couldn't lock fringes. After
a few hours of trial, we switched to CLIMB which wasn't able to lock fringes either. The seeing got
slightly better towards the end, and we observed two science targets, but the data quality probably
wasn't good.