2010MayJun XC log

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1. New 4-beam fiber explorer gui with photometric channels(PC)

  On detector control tab, one can change PC position on detector. 
  Normally one don't need to change the numbers unless PC are realigned.
  On fiber mapping tab, one can use the new function (perform map (xchan)) 
  to do fiber exploring for all four together. In case the S/N is too low, 
  one may switch back to old function (perform map), which does fiber 
  exploring one at a time.

2. fixed home function for fiber stages.

  Now if there is a power outage, what one has to do is: first 
  clicked 'home all and index'; second click 'recall last positions'. 
  You should be able to see some lights on the GUI, then do a detailed 
  fiber explorer and may need to change z position a little if the focus 
  is not good.
  If after the two clicks, you still don't see lights, then maybe a new 
  fiber stage's home trigger is broken. Right now these stages have broken 
  home trigger: 1x, 1z, 2x, 4x, 4y(from the gui). You can check this by click 
  'home all' button, if the position number doesn't go to 0, the corresponding 
  fiber stage has a broken home trigger. If you find a new x or y stage is 
  broken, then just do a wide fiber explorer to find light. If it is z stage 
  (you are in trouble!), you need to search z position step by step. My 
  suggestion is to make the z step 100micron, and search xy range 400*400micro 
  with 20 micron step from the middle (x=64000, y=64000)

not yet:

1. just start working on the new gui for real time flux,vis and CP.

2. a new button for sending offset to ople