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TORUS is a three-dimensional radiative transfer code which uses an adaptive mesh refinement scheme and a Monte-Carlo method to solve for the radiative equilibrium, hydrostatic equilibrium, and dust sublimation in circumstellar discs around both low and high-mass pre-main-sequence stars. TORUS is either an acronym for Transport of Radiation Under Sobolev, or Transport of Radiation Using Stokes.
TORUS is a three-dimensional radiative transfer code which uses an adaptive mesh refinement scheme and a Monte-Carlo method to solve for the radiative equilibrium, hydrostatic equilibrium, and dust sublimation in circumstellar discs around both low and high-mass pre-main-sequence stars. TORUS is either an acronym for Transport of Radiation Under Sobolev, or Transport of Radiation Using Stokes.

Much of this is covered in detail on the TORUS wiki at Exeter, [ TorusWeb]. To gain access to that resource, you must make an account; if you have SVN access to the TORUS distribution, that username/password should also work for the wiki (I think..). Here, I will discuss TORUS from an example-driven perspective.
Much of this is covered in detail on the TORUS wiki at Exeter, [ TorusWeb]. To gain access to that resource, you must make an account; if you have SVN access to the TORUS distribution, that username/password should also work for the wiki (I think..). Here, I will discuss TORUS from an example-driven perspective. In this mini-manual, I'm not going to address any molecular capabilities of TORUS, and I am leaving out a lot of TORUS' functionality I don't personally use.
=Building TORUS=
I've found the building of TORUS to be somewhat system dependent. At Exeter, they test with each version of TORUS how it builds with various combinations of OS and different compilers. Here, I'll outline what works on my machine, a 12 core mac running OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard). I've enabled openmp for parallel computing (which TORUS uses during a Lucy iteration, and possibly when ray-tracing to compute outputs).
Whenever updating TORUS modules, always do:
|make clean
==Environment Variables==
Here are the environment variables, etc, set in my .cshrc file regarding TORUS:
|setenv TORUS_DATA /Sisu1/aarnio/torus/data
|setenv SYSTEM davesmac
|limit stacksize 60000
|alias visit /Sisu1/aarnio/visit/bin/visit
|alias kvis /usr/local/karma/bin/kvis
[[media: alicia_torus_makefile.txt]] My makefile (cropped down to just my SYSTEM selection). Within the TORUS folder, this is just called Makefile.
[[media: Alicia_torus.makefile]] My makefile (cropped down to just my SYSTEM selection). Within the TORUS folder, this is just called Makefile.
==Version info==
My system parameters:
|Darwin 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun  7 16:32:41 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
==Auxiliary software==
Tim and the Exeter group use [ VisIt] and [ kvis] to display TORUS outputs. VisIt will plot the .vtk output, and kvis plots fits outputs (dust continuum images as well as the velocity data cubes and line profiles therein). I posted a tutorial to the Exeter wiki regarding how to generate specific plots with these tools; pdf here: [[media:Plottingtorusdata.pdf]].

=Physics modules in TORUS=
=Physics modules in TORUS=

radeq: perform a radiative equilibrium calculation
Generally, what happens in TORUS is that the disk begins cold. Photons are first absorbed, and then escape (~mm re-radiation, the disk is optically thin to it). The first Lucy iteration goes quickly, and each successive iteration takes longer and longer as the disk becomes optically thick to its own radiation. Usually, convergence (radiative equilibrium only, not hydrostatic) is reached in 5-10 Lucy iterations. The primary criterion for convergence is that the change in total emissivity is less than 1% (with respect to the previous iteration). If you include hydro calculations, a secondary convergence criterion is forced that TORUS run through at least 5 hydro iterations (within each hydro iteration, there are however many radiative equilibrium iterations necessary to reach convergence). These criteria can be relaxed by editing lucy_mod.F90 (not recommended unless you're very comfortable with what you're doing!!! See [[editing lucy_mod.F90]] for an example). Between iterations, if convergence is not met and the fraction of bad cells (<50 photon packets through the cell) is nonzero, the number of source photons doubles. The initial number of photons is ~10x the number of cells, but this can be adjusted with the nlucy parameter.


This includes dust emission/absorption processes and must be T if radiative transfer in the disk is being calculated.


This module must be enabled to do line transfer calculations. This module can either perform a comoving frame calculation (computationally expensive) or use the Sobolev approximation (Sobolev may be disabled as of 2012?).

dustphysics: use dust microphysics
Example from the literature of implementation of this function of TORUS- [ Kurosawa, Harries & Symington (2006)]. In this paper, the authors were distinguishing which parameters would generate Halpha line profiles like those in [ Bo Reipurth's classification].

==AMR grid==
Right now, only H is fully implemented (He is in "beta" mode, so to speak). We've lobbied Tim to add Ca, Na, O next.

Pulling directly from the Exeter wiki:

|+Domain decomposed photoionization models are run using multiple processors (threads). The computational domain is split into equal sized subdomains, each of which is handled by an individual thread. An additional thread is also required to perform governing operations. At present models can be run using one of the following:
|grid split into 2 plus 1 control thread
|grid split into 4 plus 1 control thread
|grid split into 16 plus 1 control thread
|grid split into 8 plus 1 control thread
|grid split into 64 plus 1 control thread


=Types of calculations done in TORUS=

The volume of the smallest grid cell (your finest resolution in the grid) is:
Which type of calculation TORUS does depends on the star+disk geometry and physics chosen by the user. Once those are defined, TORUS will do the necessary combinations of the following:

Vol = (grid size / 2^(maxdepthamr))^3
So, for a grid 2000 AU across (1000 AU, radially speaking) and a max cell depth of 20, the smallest cell is 0.0019 AU to a side.

Here is a sample AMR mesh setup:
Statistical equilibrium calculation by solving the rate equations. If atomicphysics T then a comoving frame algorithm or the Sobolev approximation are employed (I think now, by default, TORUS uses the comoving frame algorithm exclusively by default.. back in 2010, you had to set cmf T to do a comoving frame calculation).

<nowiki>! AMR grid parameters
Effectively, these are both ray-tracing algorithms (as implemented in TORUS, based on [ Hogerheijde and van der Tak, 2000]), they just differ in how the photon tracer is assumed to interact with the medium. The Sobolev approximation assumes <math>\Delta r</math> (the line width, or range of velocities that can interact wind+line) is negligibly small. In the case of a slower, or less accelerating wind, the Sobolev approximation breaks down because <math>\Delta r</math> is too large. The comoving frame algorithm gets around that (the photon changes its local comoving frame frequency as it goes, so the velocities sampled are typical of the local flow). <br>
(This google book excerpt explains this much better than my notes do.. [])

readgrid F           ! we aren't reading a grid, we will set one up from scratch
The speed of this calculation depends on the optical depth of a given line; H<math>\alpha</math> runs more slowly than Br<math>\gamma</math>, for instance.

! inputfile grid_out.dat  ! if we did read in a grid, this is how to call it

writegrid T           ! write the grid to file (this includes the grid cells, and the EOS in each cell)
This requires that dustphysics T and uses the Monte-Carlo radiative equilibrium method of [ Lucy (1999)].

outputfile grid_out.dat    ! name of the output grid
===The Lucy algorithm===

amrgridsize 2.0e6          ! units of 10^10cm (here, I've made grid a little bigger than disk itself- the outermost cells will be huge and empty)
I'm going to go into a lot of depth describing this, as the Lucy algorithm is the heart of the radiative equilibrium part of TORUS. These are my transcribed notes on the Lucy (1999) paper.

amrgridcentrex 1.0e6      ! the linear size of the top-level AMR mesh in units of 10^10 cm. This is useful if you use multiple sources
Lucy's method calculates temperature stratification and the emergent spectrum of an extended, non-grey (i.e., opacity is a function of wavelength) medium in LTE. The method avoids following single photons, but rather uses packets of constant energy:<br>
<math>\epsilon(\nu)=nh\nu</math> <br>
When a packet is absorbed, it is re-emitted in accordance with the emissivity of the medium:<br>
<math>\epsilon(\nu_{emitted})=\epsilon(\nu_{absorbed})</math> <br>
This constrains the radiation field to be divergence free at every iteration.

amr2d T                  ! this is a 2d (cylindical) model
Lucy's example is a stellar atmosphere, a blackbody of temperature <math>T_{b}</math> isotropically emitting at the innermost spherical shell, radiating out into concentric spherical shells. The shell's radii are defined such that <math>R_{J+1}/R_{J}</math> is constant. Within each shell, <math>\rho</math>, T, <math>\sigma</math>, and <math>k_{\nu}</math> are constant.

maxdepthamr 22            ! capping the AMR mesh depth helps TORUS to converge faster, saves some CPU. Set this based on how fine a resolution you need in final model.</nowiki>
In a monte carlo way, the wavenumber of the photon packet is randomly chosen from a set of integers, and the photon packet is sent off in a random direction. Photon packets undergo scattering and absorption/re-emission following bound-free and free-free processes. If the packet escapes to infinity or is deflected backwards, the loop ends. Within a given spherical shell, the photon packet's path depends on the optical depth in that shell; if the photon's mean free path takes it into the next shell, a new optical depth is calculated, and the photon packet is followed through that shell. If the packet's mean free path is short enough that it stays in a shell, it is then either scattered or absorbed. If absorbed, the photon packet is assigned a new frequency dependent upon the shell's emissivity; if scattered, a new direction is assigned at the point of scattering. The monte carlo estimators detect departures from equilibrium; when the rate of absorption and rate of emission are balanced, equilibrium is reached.

==TORUS output==
==photoion eq==

Once your TORUS model has reached the criteria for convergence (more on this later), the final grid is written to a temporary output file, and then TORUS will calculate SEDs, images, and/or line profiles by sending however many photons you specify through the converged grid. If you don't calculate the SEDs/images/line profiles while running TORUS, fear not; change the lucy_grid_tmp.dat file to a different name and use it as an input to TORUS, turning off all the other physics modules. In this way, you can 'hot start' TORUS and calculate output data without re-running your model.
Solves photoionization equilibrium including thermal equilibrium using a method similar to that of [ Ercolano (2005)]. Dust may be included.  

===Sample output calls===

|hydrodynamics T
|! vertical hydrostatic eq. puffs up inner disk
|nhydrothreads 17
|! number of hydro threads.. ehhh? 16+1 control.. see how this goes.
|nhydro 4
|! max number of hydro iterations. i think default is 5
|splitovermpi T
|! for the flux limiting algorithm, this must be set to T

<nowiki>nphotons 100000    ! the number of photon packets in SED
My usage of this module is somewhat limited to just making sure the inner edge of the disk puffs up; for more detailed discussion of the defaults (artificial viscosity, the flux limiting algorithm used, etc), see the [ Exeter hydrodynamics wiki page].

! Output SEDs

spectrum T  ! produce a spectrum
This module combines photoionization and hydrodynamics; the evolution of the radiation field and the material dynamics are coupled. TORUS begins with a radiative transfer iteration, then the following iterations alternate between hydrodynamics and radiative transfer. To use this physics, the following modules must be enabled:

! SED parameters
|radiationhydro T
|hydrodynamics T
|splitovermpi T
|photoionphysics T

ninc 2              ! number of inclinations

firstinc 1.0        ! the first inclination (degrees)
=Running TORUS=

lastinc 48.0        ! the last inclination (degrees)
Guess I'd be remiss if I didn't include how to run TORUS! Generally, I create a folder for the object I'm running, and keep the parameters file in there. From that directory, call the torus executable and give your parameter file as an input:

filename MWC275      ! the root of the output filename
torus/torus.intelmac parameters.dat

sised T              ! Write spectrum as lambda vs F lambda in SI units
Running over an ssh connection, I use nohup (no hangup) so logging out doesn't kill the job:

sedlammin 0.12      ! minimum wavelength in SED file
nohup torus/torus.intelmac parameters.dat >& screendump.txt &

sedlammax 2000      ! maximum wavelength in SED file
The >& sends stdout to a text file. That way if TORUS prints messages to screen, you can check the output file later.

sedwavlin F          ! Linear spacing in SED file?

sednumlam 1000     ! number of wavelength points in SED
To start with, I recommend benchmarking your version of TORUS. In the torus folder is a directory called benchmarks/. Within that directory are examples of different models the Exeter group always runs after each change to TORUS modules to make sure things didn't get inadvertently broken.  
The comments make this fairly self-explanatory, but a note- you must set nphotons for an SED or an image. In general, the SEDs need fewer photons than the images to get decent signal to noise (in the SED, divide the total number of photons by the number of wavelength points). I've found 50,000 photons or more for the SEDs works well. Also, if you don't specify sednumlam, the default is 200 wavelength points, and that can produce a jagged, noisy SED.

|Pascucci+(2004) 2D benchmark
|Pascucci+2004 3D benchmark
|40,000 K star with gas envelope

<nowiki>nphotons 10000000    ! the number of photon packets in image
At this time, there aren't any ttauri or shakara geometry benchmark models. )I'll upload some working parameters files for those soon)

image T    ! produce images
After you've checked the outputs and are happy that your version of TORUS built properly and is working as it should, move on to create your own parameters files.

nimage 4    ! how many images?
==Creating parameters files==

imageaxisunits AU
I recommend beginning with a template; copy a benchmark parameters file and adapt it from there. Consider the physics modules you need to perform the calculations you want. TORUS is very good about letting the user know when a keyword is missing, conflicts with another, or is unnecessary altogether.

imagesize 20  ! Size of your image across each side in AU. divide this by your npixels to get desired AU/pixel resolution.

imagefile1 kband_20AU.fits  ! name of first image file
=AMR grid=

lambdaimage1 21590.     ! monochromatic wavelength in Angstroms
==Grid setup==

npixels1 256                ! number of pixels. I generally don't adjust this (the more pixels, the more photons you need)

inclination1 0              ! inclination of the system; if unknown, try a few different values in multiple images

imagetype1 dustonly     ! choose freefree, forbidden, recombination, or dustonly

imagefile2 nband_1_20AU.fits

lambdaimage2 77000 ! 7.7
The volume of the smallest grid cell (your finest resolution in the grid) is:

npixels2 256
Vol = (grid size / 2^(maxdepthamr))^3
So, for a grid 2000 AU across (1000 AU, radially speaking) and a max cell depth of 20, the smallest cell is 0.0019 AU to a side.

inclination2 0
Here is a sample AMR mesh setup:

imagetype2 dustonly
|readgrid F          
|! we aren't reading a grid, we will set one up from scratch
|! inputfile grid_out.dat 
|! if we did read in a grid, this is how to call it
|writegrid T           
|! write the grid to file (this includes the grid cells, and the EOS in each cell)
|outputfile grid_out.dat   
|! name of the output grid
|amrgridsize 2.0e6         
|! units of 10^10cm (here, I've made grid a little bigger than disk itself- the outermost cells will be huge and empty)
|amrgridcentrex 1.0e6     
|! the linear size of the top-level AMR mesh in units of 10^10 cm. This is useful if you use multiple sources
|amr2d T                 
|! this is a 2d (cylindical) model
|maxdepthamr 22           
|! capping the AMR mesh depth helps TORUS to converge faster, saves some CPU. Set this based on how fine a resolution you need in final model.

imagefile3 nband_2_20AU.fits
==Special grid options==

lambdaimage3 99000 ! 9.9um
TORUS can smooth the grid, reducing large cell-to-cell variations in cell refinement and optical depth.

npixels3 256
|smoothgridtau T    
|! smooths the grid for optical depth, in order to resolve disc photosphere
|dosmoothgrid T             
|! smooth the grid for jumps in cell refinement
|smoothfactor 3.0           
|! make sure that neighboring cells are not only one AMR depth apart
|lambdasmooth 5500.0
|taumax 1.
|taumin 0.01

inclination3 0

imagetype3 dustonly
=TORUS output=

imagefile4 nband_3_20AU.fits
Once your TORUS model has reached the criteria for convergence (more on this later), the final grid is written to a temporary output file, and then TORUS will calculate SEDs, images, and/or line profiles by sending however many photons you specify through the converged grid. If you don't calculate the SEDs/images/line profiles while running TORUS, fear not; change the lucy_grid_tmp.dat file to a different name and use it as an input to TORUS, turning off all the other physics modules. In this way, you can 'hot start' TORUS and calculate output data without re-running your model.

lambdaimage4 126000 ! 12.6um
TORUS writes SEDs to .dat files, and images/velocity data cubes are fits format. Grid visualization files are in .vtk format; these can be viewed with VisIt (see Auxiliary Software, above).  

npixels4 256
'''Important!''' The most recent versions of TORUS write binary xml files; my system does not support these files, so I include binaryxml F in my parameters files.

inclination4 0
==Sample output calls==

imagetype4 dustonly

====Line profiles====
|nphotons 100000   
|! the number of photon packets in SED
<nowiki>! Output SEDs</nowiki>
|spectrum T 
|! produce a spectrum
<nowiki>! SED parameters</nowiki>
|ninc 2             
|! number of inclinations
|firstinc 1.0       
|! the first inclination (degrees)
|lastinc 48.0       
|! the last inclination (degrees)
|filename MWC275     
|! the root of the output filename
|sised T             
|! Write spectrum as lambda vs F lambda in SI units
|sedlammin 0.12     
|! minimum wavelength in SED file
|sedlammax 2000     
|! maximum wavelength in SED file
|sedwavlin F         
|! Linear spacing in SED file?
|sednumlam 1000    
|! number of wavelength points in SED
The comments make this fairly self-explanatory, but note: you must set nphotons for an SED or an image. In general, the SEDs need fewer photons than the images to get decent signal to noise (in the SED, divide the total number of photons by the number of wavelength points). I've found 50,000 photons or more for the SEDs works well. Also, if you don't specify sednumlam, the default is 200 wavelength points, and that can produce a jagged, noisy SED.
|nphotons 10000000   
|! the number of photon packets in image
|image T   
|! produce images
|nimage 4   
|! how many images?
|imageaxisunits AU
|imagesize 20 
|! Size of your image across each side in AU. divide this by your npixels to get desired AU/pixel resolution.
|imagefile1 kband_20AU.fits 
|! name of first image file
|lambdaimage1 21590.    
|! monochromatic wavelength in Angstroms
|npixels1 256               
|! number of pixels. I generally don't adjust this (the more pixels, the more photons you need)
|inclination1 0             
|! inclination of the system; if unknown, try a few different values in multiple images
|imagetype1 dustonly    
|! choose freefree, forbidden, recombination, or dustonly
|imagefile2 nband_1_20AU.fits
|lambdaimage2 77000
|! 7.7um
|npixels2 256
|inclination2 0
|imagetype2 dustonly
|imagefile3 nband_2_20AU.fits
|lambdaimage3 99000
|! 9.9um
|npixels3 256
|inclination3 0
|imagetype3 dustonly
|imagefile4 nband_3_20AU.fits
|lambdaimage4 126000
|! 12.6um
|npixels4 256
|inclination4 0
|imagetype4 dustonly
===Line profiles===

To calculate line profiles, you must run the TORUS model with the comoving frame option enabled.
To calculate line profiles, you must run the TORUS model with the comoving frame option enabled.

<nowiki>cmf T     ! comoving frame (vs sobolev approx)</nowiki>
|cmf T      
|! comoving frame (vs sobolev approx)</nowiki>

also, specify the atomic physics option and its parameters:
also, specify the atomic physics option and its parameters:

<nowiki>atomicphysics T      ! Include atomic physics
natom 1              ! One model atom
|atomicphysics T       
atom1 H.atm          ! Hydrogen
|! Include atomic physics
xabundance 1.0      ! Pure hydrogen
yabundance 0.        ! no helium
|natom 1               
|! One model atom
|atom1 H.atm           
|! Hydrogen
|xabundance 1.0       
|! Pure hydrogen
|yabundance 0.         
|! no helium
|vturb 20.           
|! microturbulence in km/s
TORUS will output a velocity space data cube per your input parameters:
<nowiki>! output a datacube</nowiki>

vturb 20.           ! microturbulence in km/s
|datacube T                   
|! produce a fits datacube
|inclination 1.          
|! viewing angle
|positionangle 0.         
|! position angle
|datacubefile cmf_i1_ha.fits 
|! title of fits output
|imageside 1500.           
|! size of image in 10^10cm
|npixels 200             
|! number of pixels
|nv 200                   
|! number of velocity bins
|maxVel 800.d0           
|! -800 to +800 km/s
|distance 140.           
|! distance to object in pc
|lamline 6563.           
|! wavelength in Angstroms</nowiki>

TORUS will output a velocity space data cube per your input parameters:
=The nitty-gritty: input parameters=

! output a datacube
In general, TORUS is pretty forgiving in terms of parameters- if any two inputs are redundant, or if you forget something, TORUS will halt and give an intelligible error message. If you include extra parameters TORUS doesn't need, there's no catastrophic fail- just a message saying those parameters will be ignored.

datacube T                    ! produce a fits datacube
==Source parameters==
inclination 1.          ! viewing angle
positionangle 0.          ! position angle
datacubefile cmf_i1_ha.fits  ! title of fits output
imageside 1500.            ! size of image in 10^10cm
npixels 200              ! number of pixels
nv 200                    ! number of velocity bins
maxVel 800.d0            ! -800 to +800 km/s
distance 140.            ! distance to object in pc
lamline 6563.            ! wavelength in Angstroms</nowiki>

Awesomely, TORUS can handle multiple input sources; to add additional sources, simply change the numerical value after each parameter, and set nsource to whatever value greater than 1 applies.

The nitty-gritty: parameters
|nsource 1    
|! there is just one source
|radius1 2.0     
|! it has a radius of 1 solar radius
|teff1 10000.     
|! the source effective temperature
|contflux1 kurucz   
|! the continuum flux (other option is blackbody)
|mass1 2.5     
|! the source has a mass of one solar mass
|sourcepos1 0. 0. 0 
|! it is located at the grid cntre
|distance 150.     
|! Distance to observer, pc

==Disk geometries==
==Disk geometries==

These are the input options for the geometry parameter:
TORUS can calculate very simple disk configurations, or as complicated a disk (plus magnetosphere, in the ttauri case) as you want. If you talk to Ilse, she can tell you about her own disk geometry modules. Since TORUS is written in a modular way, creating whatever geometry you'd like is more straightforward than one might think.
benchmark A Pascucci benchmark disk
A [ Pascucci (2004)] benchmark disk
I believe this is referring to the Shakura & Sunyaev models of black hole accretion disks ([]).
This is a sample pulled from an MWC 275 parameter file.
|geometry shakara  
|! flared protostellar disk
|rinner 0.22    
|! inner disc radius (AU) --this is from ajay's paper
|router 200.    
|! outer disc radius (AU)     
|height 10.    
|! disc scaleheight at 100 AU (in AU)
|mdisc 0.01    
|! Msun
|alphadisc 1.0    
|! this is from ajay's paper
|betadisc 1.125            
|! disc scaleheight goes as r^beta</nowiki>
Additional parameters I didn't use in the MWC 275 parameter file:
|Inner radius of gap
|Outer radius of gap
|Minimum density in the gap
The ttauri geometry includes a magnetosphere, disk, and disk wind. Each of these separately has its own parameters; I have yoinked these images directly from the TORUS wiki:
A hot ring is generated on the star (near the pole); the temperature of this hot ring depends on the accretion rate, mdotpar1.
===Options that apply to any disk geometry===
|smoothinneredge T 
|! exponential density decay at inner disk edge
|gasopacity T
|vardustsub T
The gasopacity switch is, I believe, the only way that gas is applied in TORUS: the gas is a source of opacity, and it is a radiation source (probably mostly emission), but it isn't coupled to the gas (i.e., doesn't play a role in the hydrostatic equilibrium of the disk).
'''Important!''' If you set variable dust sublimation, vertical hydrostatic equilibrium must be on (hydro T) to allow the inner disk to puff up!! This will add the secondary convergence criterion that convergence can only be reached if the number of Lucy iterations is greater than 9- this is an excerpt from lucy_mod.F90:
|      if (variableDustSublimation) then
|        if (iIter_grand < 9) then
|            converged = .false.
|        endif
|      endif
As far as I know, you can only change this within the lucy_mod.F90 file (don't forget to re-build TORUS after editing that file!). You can limit the number of hydro iterations on top of these Lucy iterations by setting the nhydro keyword. The default is 5 hydro iterations (with 9 Lucy iterations per hydro iteration).
==Dust options==
These dust parameters apply when dustphysics T.
|iso_scatter T     
|! Assume isotropic scattering (assumed by benchmark)
|ndusttype 1
|graintype1 sil_dl 
|! Drain and Lee silicates
|amin1 0.01       
|! minimum grain size (microns)
|amax1 0.25  
|! maximum grain size (microns)
|qdist1 1.5       
|! power law index (a^-qdist)
|dusttogas 0.01  
|! torus assumes this value, even if you don't explicitly define it.
In the most common application of TORUS, performing a radiative equilibrium calculation, output is generated after each Lucy iteration. The file convergence_lucy.dat documents each Lucy iteration- the iteration number, mean temperature change in the disk, minimum/maximum temperature changes within the grid cells, percentage of bad cells (<50 photon packets through a given cell), dust emissivity/stellar emissivity, total emissivity, maximum fractional change in temperature across all cells, and nMonte, the number of photon packets.

Latest revision as of 14:48, 7 July 2017


TORUS is a three-dimensional radiative transfer code which uses an adaptive mesh refinement scheme and a Monte-Carlo method to solve for the radiative equilibrium, hydrostatic equilibrium, and dust sublimation in circumstellar discs around both low and high-mass pre-main-sequence stars. TORUS is either an acronym for Transport of Radiation Under Sobolev, or Transport of Radiation Using Stokes.

Much of this is covered in detail on the TORUS wiki at Exeter, TorusWeb. To gain access to that resource, you must make an account; if you have SVN access to the TORUS distribution, that username/password should also work for the wiki (I think..). Here, I will discuss TORUS from an example-driven perspective. In this mini-manual, I'm not going to address any molecular capabilities of TORUS, and I am leaving out a lot of TORUS' functionality I don't personally use.

Building TORUS[edit]

I've found the building of TORUS to be somewhat system dependent. At Exeter, they test with each version of TORUS how it builds with various combinations of OS and different compilers. Here, I'll outline what works on my machine, a 12 core mac running OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard). I've enabled openmp for parallel computing (which TORUS uses during a Lucy iteration, and possibly when ray-tracing to compute outputs).

Whenever updating TORUS modules, always do:

make clean

Environment Variables[edit]

Here are the environment variables, etc, set in my .cshrc file regarding TORUS:

setenv TORUS_DATA /Sisu1/aarnio/torus/data
setenv SYSTEM davesmac
limit stacksize 60000
alias visit /Sisu1/aarnio/visit/bin/visit
alias kvis /usr/local/karma/bin/kvis


media: alicia_torus_makefile.txt My makefile (cropped down to just my SYSTEM selection). Within the TORUS folder, this is just called Makefile.

media: Alicia_torus.makefile My makefile (cropped down to just my SYSTEM selection). Within the TORUS folder, this is just called Makefile.

Version info[edit]

My system parameters:

Darwin 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:32:41 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

Auxiliary software[edit]

Tim and the Exeter group use VisIt and kvis to display TORUS outputs. VisIt will plot the .vtk output, and kvis plots fits outputs (dust continuum images as well as the velocity data cubes and line profiles therein). I posted a tutorial to the Exeter wiki regarding how to generate specific plots with these tools; pdf here: media:Plottingtorusdata.pdf.

Physics modules in TORUS[edit]

Generally, what happens in TORUS is that the disk begins cold. Photons are first absorbed, and then escape (~mm re-radiation, the disk is optically thin to it). The first Lucy iteration goes quickly, and each successive iteration takes longer and longer as the disk becomes optically thick to its own radiation. Usually, convergence (radiative equilibrium only, not hydrostatic) is reached in 5-10 Lucy iterations. The primary criterion for convergence is that the change in total emissivity is less than 1% (with respect to the previous iteration). If you include hydro calculations, a secondary convergence criterion is forced that TORUS run through at least 5 hydro iterations (within each hydro iteration, there are however many radiative equilibrium iterations necessary to reach convergence). These criteria can be relaxed by editing lucy_mod.F90 (not recommended unless you're very comfortable with what you're doing!!! See editing lucy_mod.F90 for an example). Between iterations, if convergence is not met and the fraction of bad cells (<50 photon packets through the cell) is nonzero, the number of source photons doubles. The initial number of photons is ~10x the number of cells, but this can be adjusted with the nlucy parameter.


This includes dust emission/absorption processes and must be T if radiative transfer in the disk is being calculated.


This module must be enabled to do line transfer calculations. This module can either perform a comoving frame calculation (computationally expensive) or use the Sobolev approximation (Sobolev may be disabled as of 2012?).

Example from the literature of implementation of this function of TORUS- Kurosawa, Harries & Symington (2006). In this paper, the authors were distinguishing which parameters would generate Halpha line profiles like those in Bo Reipurth's classification.

Right now, only H is fully implemented (He is in "beta" mode, so to speak). We've lobbied Tim to add Ca, Na, O next.


Pulling directly from the Exeter wiki:

Domain decomposed photoionization models are run using multiple processors (threads). The computational domain is split into equal sized subdomains, each of which is handled by an individual thread. An additional thread is also required to perform governing operations. At present models can be run using one of the following:
Dimensionality Nthreads Description
1D 3 grid split into 2 plus 1 control thread
2D 5 grid split into 4 plus 1 control thread
2D 17 grid split into 16 plus 1 control thread
3D 9 grid split into 8 plus 1 control thread
3D 65 grid split into 64 plus 1 control thread

Types of calculations done in TORUS[edit]

Which type of calculation TORUS does depends on the star+disk geometry and physics chosen by the user. Once those are defined, TORUS will do the necessary combinations of the following:


Statistical equilibrium calculation by solving the rate equations. If atomicphysics T then a comoving frame algorithm or the Sobolev approximation are employed (I think now, by default, TORUS uses the comoving frame algorithm exclusively by default.. back in 2010, you had to set cmf T to do a comoving frame calculation).

Effectively, these are both ray-tracing algorithms (as implemented in TORUS, based on Hogerheijde and van der Tak, 2000), they just differ in how the photon tracer is assumed to interact with the medium. The Sobolev approximation assumes <math>\Delta r</math> (the line width, or range of velocities that can interact wind+line) is negligibly small. In the case of a slower, or less accelerating wind, the Sobolev approximation breaks down because <math>\Delta r</math> is too large. The comoving frame algorithm gets around that (the photon changes its local comoving frame frequency as it goes, so the velocities sampled are typical of the local flow).
(This google book excerpt explains this much better than my notes do.. [1])

The speed of this calculation depends on the optical depth of a given line; H<math>\alpha</math> runs more slowly than Br<math>\gamma</math>, for instance.


This requires that dustphysics T and uses the Monte-Carlo radiative equilibrium method of Lucy (1999).

The Lucy algorithm[edit]

I'm going to go into a lot of depth describing this, as the Lucy algorithm is the heart of the radiative equilibrium part of TORUS. These are my transcribed notes on the Lucy (1999) paper.

Lucy's method calculates temperature stratification and the emergent spectrum of an extended, non-grey (i.e., opacity is a function of wavelength) medium in LTE. The method avoids following single photons, but rather uses packets of constant energy:
When a packet is absorbed, it is re-emitted in accordance with the emissivity of the medium:
This constrains the radiation field to be divergence free at every iteration.

Lucy's example is a stellar atmosphere, a blackbody of temperature <math>T_{b}</math> isotropically emitting at the innermost spherical shell, radiating out into concentric spherical shells. The shell's radii are defined such that <math>R_{J+1}/R_{J}</math> is constant. Within each shell, <math>\rho</math>, T, <math>\sigma</math>, and <math>k_{\nu}</math> are constant.

In a monte carlo way, the wavenumber of the photon packet is randomly chosen from a set of integers, and the photon packet is sent off in a random direction. Photon packets undergo scattering and absorption/re-emission following bound-free and free-free processes. If the packet escapes to infinity or is deflected backwards, the loop ends. Within a given spherical shell, the photon packet's path depends on the optical depth in that shell; if the photon's mean free path takes it into the next shell, a new optical depth is calculated, and the photon packet is followed through that shell. If the packet's mean free path is short enough that it stays in a shell, it is then either scattered or absorbed. If absorbed, the photon packet is assigned a new frequency dependent upon the shell's emissivity; if scattered, a new direction is assigned at the point of scattering. The monte carlo estimators detect departures from equilibrium; when the rate of absorption and rate of emission are balanced, equilibrium is reached.

photoion eq[edit]

Solves photoionization equilibrium including thermal equilibrium using a method similar to that of Ercolano (2005). Dust may be included.


hydrodynamics T ! vertical hydrostatic eq. puffs up inner disk
nhydrothreads 17 ! number of hydro threads.. ehhh? 16+1 control.. see how this goes.
nhydro 4 ! max number of hydro iterations. i think default is 5
splitovermpi T ! for the flux limiting algorithm, this must be set to T

My usage of this module is somewhat limited to just making sure the inner edge of the disk puffs up; for more detailed discussion of the defaults (artificial viscosity, the flux limiting algorithm used, etc), see the Exeter hydrodynamics wiki page.


This module combines photoionization and hydrodynamics; the evolution of the radiation field and the material dynamics are coupled. TORUS begins with a radiative transfer iteration, then the following iterations alternate between hydrodynamics and radiative transfer. To use this physics, the following modules must be enabled:

radiationhydro T
hydrodynamics T
splitovermpi T
photoionphysics T

Running TORUS[edit]

Guess I'd be remiss if I didn't include how to run TORUS! Generally, I create a folder for the object I'm running, and keep the parameters file in there. From that directory, call the torus executable and give your parameter file as an input:

torus/torus.intelmac parameters.dat

Running over an ssh connection, I use nohup (no hangup) so logging out doesn't kill the job:

nohup torus/torus.intelmac parameters.dat >& screendump.txt &

The >& sends stdout to a text file. That way if TORUS prints messages to screen, you can check the output file later.


To start with, I recommend benchmarking your version of TORUS. In the torus folder is a directory called benchmarks/. Within that directory are examples of different models the Exeter group always runs after each change to TORUS modules to make sure things didn't get inadvertently broken.

Pascucci+(2004) 2D benchmark benchmarks/disc/
Pascucci+2004 3D benchmark benchmarks/disc_cylindrical/
40,000 K star with gas envelope benchmarks/image_fluxMPI/

At this time, there aren't any ttauri or shakara geometry benchmark models. )I'll upload some working parameters files for those soon)

After you've checked the outputs and are happy that your version of TORUS built properly and is working as it should, move on to create your own parameters files.

Creating parameters files[edit]

I recommend beginning with a template; copy a benchmark parameters file and adapt it from there. Consider the physics modules you need to perform the calculations you want. TORUS is very good about letting the user know when a keyword is missing, conflicts with another, or is unnecessary altogether.

AMR grid[edit]

Grid setup[edit]





The volume of the smallest grid cell (your finest resolution in the grid) is:

Vol = (grid size / 2^(maxdepthamr))^3 So, for a grid 2000 AU across (1000 AU, radially speaking) and a max cell depth of 20, the smallest cell is 0.0019 AU to a side.

Here is a sample AMR mesh setup:

readgrid F ! we aren't reading a grid, we will set one up from scratch
! inputfile grid_out.dat ! if we did read in a grid, this is how to call it
writegrid T ! write the grid to file (this includes the grid cells, and the EOS in each cell)
outputfile grid_out.dat ! name of the output grid
amrgridsize 2.0e6 ! units of 10^10cm (here, I've made grid a little bigger than disk itself- the outermost cells will be huge and empty)
amrgridcentrex 1.0e6 ! the linear size of the top-level AMR mesh in units of 10^10 cm. This is useful if you use multiple sources
amr2d T ! this is a 2d (cylindical) model
maxdepthamr 22 ! capping the AMR mesh depth helps TORUS to converge faster, saves some CPU. Set this based on how fine a resolution you need in final model.

Special grid options[edit]

TORUS can smooth the grid, reducing large cell-to-cell variations in cell refinement and optical depth.

smoothgridtau T ! smooths the grid for optical depth, in order to resolve disc photosphere
dosmoothgrid T ! smooth the grid for jumps in cell refinement
smoothfactor 3.0 ! make sure that neighboring cells are not only one AMR depth apart
lambdasmooth 5500.0
taumax 1.
taumin 0.01

TORUS output[edit]

Once your TORUS model has reached the criteria for convergence (more on this later), the final grid is written to a temporary output file, and then TORUS will calculate SEDs, images, and/or line profiles by sending however many photons you specify through the converged grid. If you don't calculate the SEDs/images/line profiles while running TORUS, fear not; change the lucy_grid_tmp.dat file to a different name and use it as an input to TORUS, turning off all the other physics modules. In this way, you can 'hot start' TORUS and calculate output data without re-running your model.

TORUS writes SEDs to .dat files, and images/velocity data cubes are fits format. Grid visualization files are in .vtk format; these can be viewed with VisIt (see Auxiliary Software, above).

Important! The most recent versions of TORUS write binary xml files; my system does not support these files, so I include binaryxml F in my parameters files.

Sample output calls[edit]


nphotons 100000 ! the number of photon packets in SED

! Output SEDs

spectrum T ! produce a spectrum

! SED parameters

ninc 2 ! number of inclinations
firstinc 1.0 ! the first inclination (degrees)
lastinc 48.0 ! the last inclination (degrees)
filename MWC275 ! the root of the output filename
sised T ! Write spectrum as lambda vs F lambda in SI units
sedlammin 0.12 ! minimum wavelength in SED file
sedlammax 2000 ! maximum wavelength in SED file
sedwavlin F ! Linear spacing in SED file?
sednumlam 1000 ! number of wavelength points in SED

The comments make this fairly self-explanatory, but note: you must set nphotons for an SED or an image. In general, the SEDs need fewer photons than the images to get decent signal to noise (in the SED, divide the total number of photons by the number of wavelength points). I've found 50,000 photons or more for the SEDs works well. Also, if you don't specify sednumlam, the default is 200 wavelength points, and that can produce a jagged, noisy SED.


nphotons 10000000 ! the number of photon packets in image
image T ! produce images
nimage 4 ! how many images?
imageaxisunits AU
imagesize 20 ! Size of your image across each side in AU. divide this by your npixels to get desired AU/pixel resolution.
imagefile1 kband_20AU.fits ! name of first image file
lambdaimage1 21590. ! monochromatic wavelength in Angstroms
npixels1 256 ! number of pixels. I generally don't adjust this (the more pixels, the more photons you need)
inclination1 0 ! inclination of the system; if unknown, try a few different values in multiple images
imagetype1 dustonly ! choose freefree, forbidden, recombination, or dustonly
imagefile2 nband_1_20AU.fits
lambdaimage2 77000 ! 7.7um
npixels2 256
inclination2 0
imagetype2 dustonly
imagefile3 nband_2_20AU.fits
lambdaimage3 99000 ! 9.9um
npixels3 256
inclination3 0
imagetype3 dustonly
imagefile4 nband_3_20AU.fits
lambdaimage4 126000 ! 12.6um
npixels4 256
inclination4 0
imagetype4 dustonly

Line profiles[edit]

To calculate line profiles, you must run the TORUS model with the comoving frame option enabled.

cmf T ! comoving frame (vs sobolev approx)</nowiki>

also, specify the atomic physics option and its parameters:

atomicphysics T ! Include atomic physics
natom 1 ! One model atom
atom1 H.atm ! Hydrogen
xabundance 1.0 ! Pure hydrogen
yabundance 0. ! no helium
vturb 20. ! microturbulence in km/s

TORUS will output a velocity space data cube per your input parameters:

! output a datacube

datacube T ! produce a fits datacube
inclination 1. ! viewing angle
positionangle 0. ! position angle
datacubefile cmf_i1_ha.fits ! title of fits output
imageside 1500. ! size of image in 10^10cm
npixels 200 ! number of pixels
nv 200 ! number of velocity bins
maxVel 800.d0 ! -800 to +800 km/s
distance 140. ! distance to object in pc
lamline 6563. ! wavelength in Angstroms</nowiki>

The nitty-gritty: input parameters[edit]

In general, TORUS is pretty forgiving in terms of parameters- if any two inputs are redundant, or if you forget something, TORUS will halt and give an intelligible error message. If you include extra parameters TORUS doesn't need, there's no catastrophic fail- just a message saying those parameters will be ignored.

Source parameters[edit]

Awesomely, TORUS can handle multiple input sources; to add additional sources, simply change the numerical value after each parameter, and set nsource to whatever value greater than 1 applies.

nsource 1 ! there is just one source
radius1 2.0 ! it has a radius of 1 solar radius
teff1 10000. ! the source effective temperature
contflux1 kurucz ! the continuum flux (other option is blackbody)
mass1 2.5 ! the source has a mass of one solar mass
sourcepos1 0. 0. 0 ! it is located at the grid cntre
distance 150. ! Distance to observer, pc

Disk geometries[edit]

TORUS can calculate very simple disk configurations, or as complicated a disk (plus magnetosphere, in the ttauri case) as you want. If you talk to Ilse, she can tell you about her own disk geometry modules. Since TORUS is written in a modular way, creating whatever geometry you'd like is more straightforward than one might think.


A Pascucci (2004) benchmark disk


I believe this is referring to the Shakura & Sunyaev models of black hole accretion disks ([2]).

This is a sample pulled from an MWC 275 parameter file.

geometry shakara ! flared protostellar disk
rinner 0.22 ! inner disc radius (AU) --this is from ajay's paper
router 200. ! outer disc radius (AU)
height 10. ! disc scaleheight at 100 AU (in AU)
mdisc 0.01 ! Msun
alphadisc 1.0 ! this is from ajay's paper
betadisc 1.125 ! disc scaleheight goes as r^beta</nowiki>

Additional parameters I didn't use in the MWC 275 parameter file:

rgapinner AU Inner radius of gap
rgapouter AU Outer radius of gap
rhogap g/cm^3 Minimum density in the gap


The ttauri geometry includes a magnetosphere, disk, and disk wind. Each of these separately has its own parameters; I have yoinked these images directly from the TORUS wiki:

A hot ring is generated on the star (near the pole); the temperature of this hot ring depends on the accretion rate, mdotpar1.

Options that apply to any disk geometry[edit]

smoothinneredge T ! exponential density decay at inner disk edge
gasopacity T
vardustsub T

The gasopacity switch is, I believe, the only way that gas is applied in TORUS: the gas is a source of opacity, and it is a radiation source (probably mostly emission), but it isn't coupled to the gas (i.e., doesn't play a role in the hydrostatic equilibrium of the disk).

Important! If you set variable dust sublimation, vertical hydrostatic equilibrium must be on (hydro T) to allow the inner disk to puff up!! This will add the secondary convergence criterion that convergence can only be reached if the number of Lucy iterations is greater than 9- this is an excerpt from lucy_mod.F90:

if (variableDustSublimation) then
if (iIter_grand < 9) then
converged = .false.

As far as I know, you can only change this within the lucy_mod.F90 file (don't forget to re-build TORUS after editing that file!). You can limit the number of hydro iterations on top of these Lucy iterations by setting the nhydro keyword. The default is 5 hydro iterations (with 9 Lucy iterations per hydro iteration).

Dust options[edit]

These dust parameters apply when dustphysics T.

iso_scatter T ! Assume isotropic scattering (assumed by benchmark)
ndusttype 1
graintype1 sil_dl ! Drain and Lee silicates
amin1 0.01 ! minimum grain size (microns)
amax1 0.25 ! maximum grain size (microns)
qdist1 1.5 ! power law index (a^-qdist)
dusttogas 0.01 ! torus assumes this value, even if you don't explicitly define it.


In the most common application of TORUS, performing a radiative equilibrium calculation, output is generated after each Lucy iteration. The file convergence_lucy.dat documents each Lucy iteration- the iteration number, mean temperature change in the disk, minimum/maximum temperature changes within the grid cells, percentage of bad cells (<50 photon packets through a given cell), dust emissivity/stellar emissivity, total emissivity, maximum fractional change in temperature across all cells, and nMonte, the number of photon packets.