From Monnier Group Research Wiki
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- default values of shuttermatrix
- get telescope beram order from chara shomehow for mirc and champ, including new buttons on guis.
- proper slts/prsm labels in fiberexplorer
- fix defaults (ftgui, mric shutter matrix)
- mirc: save xy and Z of fiber positions
- save POPS in mirc header
- mirkwood server should start w/0 vme on
- mirkwood spooler should run w/o all servers up (opler/tiptilt, etc)
- (recent) Delay line positions
- FIXED fix zeros in uv coordinates FIXED!!
- send ople a target time instead of 0 0 0 0 0 0 (not needed.. just use the HA which is returned)....
- mirc and champ: replace pulldown menus and text boxes with other elements.
- champ: ability to algin in wide field mode.
- champ. fix stop exposure crap (hard)
- champ. save syncronized spooler data even for large strokes
- champ. test phase tracking mode
- champ filter SPIKES out of amplitude(t) gui plots
- make sure search to semi-lock can catch spikes of good seeing (lucky fringes) but
not get screwed up by huge spikes caused by electronics. currently it seems the system misses real fringes probably due to spike suppression algorithm being too primitive.
- improve usability of champ gui. the top part of the gui should not be so sluggish. only the plots need to have a timer, no the other widgets.
- fringe 6 B5/B6 pull down state stays in search , doesn't go to semi-lock visually
- whens aving data, the amp[opd] of first BC is corrupted but seems to not affect tracking.
- change colors of AMP(OPD) from red/blue to something that doesn't appear match the flux(OPD) graphs
- champ. add more readout modes.. shorter than 30micron stroke, slower than 250 hz. we need a 'phase trakcing' mode this probably like 20 microns.