CHARA AO: Second Meeting
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2011 Jul 07
Check on Action Items:
- SR: no progress with new quotes for M4 DM
- CS: send a report earlier about the
- LS: Did send a ZEMAX of M1-6 to JDM
- Simulations
- Real-time architecture
New Action Items:
- JDM will update documention here with Chris Shelton's memo
- Collect feaures we need in this system, e.g. be able to image the laser going out,
stimulus, IR beacon, acquisition camera,
- How is angle beacon going to function? can we have a separate tip-tilt MIRROR for the lab loop? not cheap .. probably will use offsets to the WFS.
- Can we do this ALL in NIR? or do we need to use a visible WFS for star light?
- Cool idea is to use beacon for everything! keep current system! choose wavelength like 1.3 micron (laser interference issue).
- Stuff for FAST-WFS camera and RT architecture. Quick study -- see previous meeting
- Ask VEGA/PAVO about using 0.96 micron light for the beacon ( can be then be
stimulus for telescope AO WFS as well as lab slow WFS)
- Bring-up sequence for how to not screw up current performance.
- Shear issue for the slow WFS. If we add 2 extra reflections to when we the slow WFS, we could do SHEAR control -- which would be GREAT!!! (who will do this? Theo?)
- not funded to do dicroic switcher -- but we need to try to do it anyway somehow!!
- We want to move forward to ask Keck Foundation for phase II
- Theo has a dropbox directory for this