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Manual for the CHARA-Michigan Phasetracker*

  • CHAMP*

%TOC% Bold text ---+ Overview

---+ Quick Startup Guide

---+ Alignment ---++ Nightly Alignment ---++ Full Alignment

---+ Hardware Subsystems ---++ Overview ---++ Dichroic Pickoffs

---+ Real-time system ---++ Xenomai ---+++ Install Debian network install using debian-503-i386-businesscard.iso

I used as a mirror for Debian archive. The install is pretty straightforward. I used guided partitioning using entire disc.

After install and reboot edit /etc/network/interfaces to look like this:

  1. This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
  2. and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
  1. The loopback network interface

auto lo iface lo inet loopback

  1. The primary network interface

allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet static

       # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed

if you want to work remotely install ssh server aptitude install openssh-server

aptitude search package will search a package in the debian archive.

Once installation finished create a file called preference in /etc/apt

Package: * Pin: release a=stable Pin-Priority: 700

Package: * Pin: release a=testing Pin-Priority: 650

Package: * Pin: release a=unstable Pin-Priority: 600

Then modify /etc/apt/sources.list to look like this:

  1. deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.2 _Lenny_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20090629-11:06]/ lenny main
  1. deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.2 _Lenny_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20090629-11:06]/ lenny main
  1. stable

deb lenny main non-free contrib deb-src lenny main non-free contrib deb lenny/updates main non-free contrib deb-src lenny/updates main non-free contrib deb lenny/volatile main non-free contrib deb-src lenny/volatile main non-free contrib

  1. testing

deb testing main non-free contrib deb-src testing main non-free contrib

  1. unstable

deb unstable main non-free contrib deb-src unstable main non-free contrib

aptitude update aptitude safe-upgrade aptitude full-upgrade

if you get this: E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room

Add the following line to /etc/apt/apt.conf

APT::Cache-Limit "8388608";

You will be on debian STABLE. you can install packages from testing or unstable by typing:

aptitude install <package> /unstable (or /testing)

Install screen (useful when compiling remotely if ssh connection dies)

aptitude install screen

run screen

Now install the latest xenomai

cd /usr/src

Install the packages necessary to compile the kernel. aptitude install kernel-package ncurses-dev fakeroot bzip2

Install package to retrieve latest stable xenomai from the git repository aptitude install git-buildpackage aptitude install pbuilder

Using new howto on:

aptitude install devscripts debhelper dh-kpatches findutils

rom a Git repository

To build from a git Repository install these additional packages and clone the Git repository:

  1. apt-get install git-core git-buildpackage
  2. cd /usr/src

$ git clone git://

Change to the Xenomai Git working tree and update the repository:

$ cd xenomai-2.5 && git fetch origin

Create and checkout a new branch based on a git treeish object. In this example, we create a branch v2.5.3-deb based on git tag v2.5.3:

xenomai-2.5$ git checkout -b v2.5.3-deb v2.5.3

Create a new debian changelog entry:

xenomai-2.5$ DEBEMAIL="your@email" DEBFULLNAME="Your Name" debchange -v 2.5.3-0.1 Release 2.5.3

Commit the changelog to the v2.5.3-deb branch:

xenomai-2.5$ git commit -a --author="Your Name <your@email>" -m 2.5.3-0.1

Build the packages in the parent directory:

xenomai-2.5$ git-buildpackage \

--git-upstream-branch=v2.5.3 \
--git-debian-branch=v2.5.3-deb \
--git-export-dir=.. \
-uc -us

Switch back to the master branch and delete the branch v2.5.3-deb:

xenomai-2.5$ git checkout master && git branch -D v2.5.3-deb

use dpkg to install the packages:

  1. dpkg -i *.deb

dpkg-query -W -f'${Description}\n' linux-patch-xenomai | grep Patch-file

Apply the Xenomai adeos-ipipe patch and compile kernel:

tar -jxf linux- && cd linux-

remember to copy to this directory the .config file used in the previous kernel cp /boot/config- .config (note: this file could be called differently).

since we copied the old .config file we can use --config oldconfig if you want to edit the kernel configuration use --config menuconfig (NEVER edit .config manually).

Compile and patch the kernel:

CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=2 fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --added-patches xenomai --append-to-version -xenomai-2.5.3 --revision 1.0 --config oldconfig binary-arch

If you need to recompile the kernel additional times, avoid reapplying the xenomai patch:

CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=2 fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=ipipe.2.0.05 binary-arch

install the kernel

dpkg -i linux-image-

modify /boot/grub/menu.lst root= should not use the device (/dev/sda1) since that may change. Use the UUID (obtained typing blkid) or the label of the disc

Also append "noht mem=2048M memmap=1024M" to the real time kernel using the asgtropci board.

install kernel and headers dpkg -i linux-image*.deb

emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=LABEL=ROOTFS_TEST ro noht mem=2048M memmap=1024M pci=routeirq initrd /boot/initrd.img-

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel (single-user mode) root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=LABEL=ROOTFS_TEST ro single initrd /boot/initrd.img-

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-2-686 root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-686 root=LABEL=ROOTFS_TEST ro quiet initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-2-686

Also modify /etc/fstab to use UUID or LABEL instead of devices. Label names have to be unique:

  1. /etc/fstab: static file system information.
  2. <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>

proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 LABEL=ROOTFS-XENO / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 1 LABEL=SWAP-XENO none swap sw 0 0 /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0

Modify /etc/modules to look like this:

  1. /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
  2. This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
  3. at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.
  4. Parameters can be specified after the module name.

loop xeno_native xeno_rtdm

In this way the xenomai modules are loaded at boot time.

and reboot

Type lsmod to see the kernel modules loaded. It should show:

Module Size Used by xeno_native 105088 0 analogy_ni_pcimio 15644 0 analogy_ni_mio 44860 1 analogy_ni_pcimio analogy_ni_tio 24956 1 analogy_ni_mio analogy_8255 3900 1 analogy_ni_mio analogy_ni_mite 10140 3 analogy_ni_pcimio,analogy_ni_mio,analogy_ni_tio xeno_analogy 40220 5 analogy_ni_pcimio,analogy_ni_mio,analogy_ni_tio,analogy_8255,analogy_ni_mite xeno_rtdm 28436 2 analogy_ni_mio,xeno_analogy ext3 109636 1 jbd 43920 1 ext3 mbcache 6272 1 ext3 ide_pci_generic 3712 0 ide_core 74204 1 ide_pci_generic ata_piix 15748 2 sata_mv 26448 0 e1000 114208 0 libata 142156 2 ata_piix,sata_mv unix 22992 10

all the analogy drives are the real-time comedi drivers (not present in mirkwood).

Obtain the astropci driver from the Bob Leach site. For kernel 2.6.30 is astropciFC11.tar.bz2.

tar xjf astropciFC11.tar.bz2 cd /usr/src/astropci/FC11/ make default make install

you can test the RTOS with xeno-test

xeno-test was broken but I fixed it doing the following links:

ln -s /usr/lib/xenomai/clocktest /usr/bin/clocktest
ln -s /usr/lib/xenomai/cyclictest /usr/bin/cyclictest
ln -s /usr/lib/xenomai/irqloop /usr/bin/irqloop
ln -s /usr/lib/xenomai/klatency /usr/bin/klatency
ln -s /usr/lib/xenomai/latency /usr/bin/latency
ln -s /usr/lib/xenomai/sigtest /usr/bin/sigtest
ln -s /usr/lib/xenomai/switchtest /usr/bin/switchtest
ln -s /usr/lib/xenomai/unit /usr/bin/unit

---+++ RTNET

---+++ Analogy (comedi)

We have provided 3 sets of pickoff optics for use with CHAMP (the angle-of-incidence is 3 degrees). Each is designed with a 30' wedge and have been oriented with thick part down (i.e., transmitted beams is bent downward by 13.7', which may be relevant for downstream combiners during alignment procedure). All substrates have a broadband AR coating on the back-surface and the reflected light comes primarily from the front surface.

  * Short-wave Pass (SWP): 

These IR-grade Fused Silica substrates are coated with a dichroic coating to reflect K' band (2-2.3 microns) and to transmit JH bands (1.1-1.8 microns).


  * Long-wave Pass (LWP):

These Calcium Fluoride substrates are coated with a dichroic coating to reflect JH bands (1.1-1.8 microns) and to transmit K' band (2-2.3 microns and longer for possible future experiments).


  * Pickoffs Beam-splitters (BS):

These Calcium Fluoride beamsplitters were rejected from American Torch due to the coating not meeting specifications and the performance curves being proven unreliable. We believe the the coatings are about 50/50 at HK bands but are more like 75/25 (mostly transmitting) at J and beyond K band. This might prove useful in the future, but we do not expect these pickoff optics to be the best choice for most observers. Here is a measured transmission curve from the company, although we have not verified the accuracy yet:


---++ Piezo Scanners Piezojena 8micron Hardware card from National Instruments

---++ Beamsplitters

The IR-grade Fused silica beamsplitters are 50% +/- 10% over the full JHK' bandpasses. The coatings were done by Omega Optical and you can find the coating performance here. The angle of incidence is ~11.5 degrees.

%BR% ---++ Towers of Power ---++ Image Slicers ---++ CHAMP Dewar ---++ Filterset ---++ Triplet ---++ HAWAII-1 Detector

---+ Software ---++ Interface Computer (wolverine) ---+++ CHAMP control ---+++ Actuators ---++ Realtime Computer (champ) ---+++ Camera Readout ---+++ Piezo control ---+++ Delay line communication

---+ Appendices

---++ Diagrams

targets filter box diagram filterwheel key

---++ Spares


  • Two (2) fused silica beam splitters for CHAMP combiner
  • One (1) fused silica short-wave pass (SWP) dichroic pickoff
  • One (1) calcium fluoride long-wave page (LWP) dichroic pickoff
  • One (1) elliptical mirror mounted to invar piezo mount
  • Four (4) f=450mm spherical mirrors for Tower of Power
  • One (1) image slicer T1
  • One (1) image slicer T2
  • One (1) image slicer B1 [note: we are using the spare. the original B1 has some coating problems near apex and is put back as a backup/spare
  • One (1) image slicer B2 [note: the backup spare B2 has slight problem where the bottom-right quad, B2d, is too large in one dimension. This means the pyramid will not fit in the holder. If one needs to use this backup, one will need to mill-out extra clearance in the holder]

Other things: TBDocumented, some card for camera electronics. zabar motors.

  • One (1) motherboard for servers (compatible with mirkwood, champ -- one kept at CHARA, one at UM)

-- Main.monnier - 08 Feb 2009