MIRCv2 Goals

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1. Fibers should be connectorized if at all possible. This allows for safe cleaning and handling. Downside is how to match fiber lengths in a v-groove.

2. Epoxy lenslet to the vgroove fibers so minimize alignment and mounting issues

3. Use J/H band PM fibers. should be inexpensive.

4. The photometric beamsplitter should be gray to polarization if possible.

5. We must worry more about vignetting in the camera. for XChan and fringes. Use bigger lenses for achromats.

6. Must avoid the speckling problem we have current system.. although this is not 100% understood.

7. Substitute lithium niobate polarization controllers for squeezers.

8. Have option for Wollaston prism on output for both tweaking up polarization and science

9. have rotatable half-wave plate and a quarter-wave plate in front of Liniobate plates to allow fullly exploit polarization measurements.

10. Use Slits better??

11. Have way to backward illuminate fibers w/o screwing up system.

12. reduce cross talk more through selection of fibers positions and lenslet pitches/diameter.

13. consider an IFU instead of slit+spectrograph.