2015 Jun CHARA AO Run JDM
From Monnier Group Research Wiki
John Misc To Do List:
- ireland recommendation
- simulate binary for phil
- run the agn data through jdm pipeline
- give phil idl pipeline
- simulate cphase bias for mirc
- ao to do list plan!!
- mirc/champ paper!
- go through email.
John Goals:
John Alignment Notes:
Lab AO
- Align green laser as normal including down the rails
- using flat before DM, auto-retro the light back toward WFS
- memorize flat
- check green laser bouncing off the back of dicroic. save offsets.
- put flat on rails and send light back. tweak blue spots into position on WFS. Blue light too weak normally but use coadd mode (if its ready) or maybe white light (TBD)
- close servo loop. set flat a few times. Save flat. .this is now the good DM position.
Note if DM voltages are not in optimal range 0.6-0.7 V, then adjust either tiptilt of DM stage itself or figure out what is out of focus. you can check with 2 hole mask before and after the delay line cart to try to determine what needs adjustment.
- Now bring laser beacon into lab from telescope (first send to Tel-WFS then send to lab using dicroic).
- focus beacon using lab WFS by moving fiber at telescope.
- check for consistency with 2-hole mask that the tel beacon is collimated.