NASACAM:Anderson Notes
2011 May:
Determining why Vdetcom is shorting out.
Matt created a wiki account .
No shorts found in wiring harness or across card.
Begin work to get DSP code running on Mac or Windows 7.
2011 June:
Continue work on DSP code as it is needed for further debugging of Vdetcom short.
Information for updating the tim script for use under Wine can be found here: media: WineScript.pdf in an email from Bob Leach.
Other information on the electronics system and software, including login information for Astro-Cams, can be found here: Leach Electronics
June 10: More info on Wine can be found at
Wine + DSP Assembler installation on lab computer. Fedora Version Running: Fedora release 7 (Moonshine)
cmd: more /etc/redhat-release
Install Wine:
cmd: yum install wine Wine installed.
DSP Versions:
ASM Class 56300 DSP Gen III
Debugging Process:
Used chmod -x to make the script Wine_tim executable. Throws 2 errors. 1. :Bad Interpreter 2. No such file or directory. Fixed with dos2unix Wine_tim.
DSP compiled with no errors... No testing of if the tim file works yet. Wine_tim is the script for compiling the dsp code. Wine_tim is found in /home/matt/Desktop/DSP/ Command to compile is ./Wine_tim timboot.asm, timIRmisc.asm, and timmisc.asm must be present in directory for compiler to work.