Engineering 2011JanFeb
Daily Log:
2011 January 25:
FB: began pumping on CHAMP. Set up plan with Rafael for the alignment tool. Restructured the CHAMP directory on wolverine and updated the wiki instructions for CHAMP quickstart. Tracked power failure for CHAMP mounts to a disconnected cable on the MAXO box.
2011 January 26:
FB: there is an annoying gtk setting issue which makes running any gui remotely on anything other than OS X a problem. I've tried modifying the gtkrc on wolverine but to no effect. Worked more on the Alignment GUI, cleaned up the code to remove deprecated function calls and warning from IRCam gui. No more need to press enter to activate the channel (R1, L2, ...) selection.
2011 January 27:
FB: cooled the dewar, final pressure 6e-7. Started working on astropci code. Gone to JDM presentation at Caltech in the afternoon.
2011 January 28: