Engineering 2010Oct
See last set of notes from Engineering 2010July-Aug
Daily Log:
2010 October 2:
fb: realigned champ optics and started working on fringe-jumping and coherent integration for cophasing.
2010 October 3:
fb: did a first alignment using the IR array but mostly worked on improving the software.
2010 October 4:
fb and sk
morning -- checking the alignment, CHAMP fully aligned at noon
afternoon -- trying to debug the Zaber mount repeatability problem
2010 October 5:
fb and sk
morning -- redo alignment on E1S1; problems finding pyramid center (it helps to turn on the incandescent lights); fix problems with Zaber mount motors by increasing sleeptime from 3s to 10s
afternoon -- small updates to champGui; searching for beams on wide-field image; 3-4 beams found but problems to align them
evening -- redo alignment on W1W2; found internal WL fringes on R2 using W1-W2 (Beam 1-2) at +3.95mm (see image)
2010 October 6:
fb, sk, and rmg
morning -- discuss with rafael alignment procedure
afternoon -- readjusting pyramid position to avoid bad pixels in the Q1 quadrant; new pyramid center at x=23, y=8; use for IRCam following offsets: row=5, col=20
evening -- discussing alignment tool; add functionality to to adjust the sign of the motion (done, but still have to determine the values)
2010 October 7:
fb, sk, and rmg
Config: S1 E1 W1 W2 then later S2 E1 W1 W2
The first goal of the night was mainly to adjust the internal delays between MIRC and CHAMP, taking care of limiting vignetting within MIRC. The "good" positions of MIRC ealing mounts were defined as the ones adopted during the last MIRC/PAVO run, where MIRC and PAVO were cophased. For each baseline the Newport RETRO cube will be moved to find fringes on MIRC, and the CHAMP Zaber mounts moved until we get fringes on CHAMP. This method is not failproof as we need enough range on CHAMP Zaber mounts to cophase MIRC and CHAMP. As the RETRO cubes were initially on W1W2, we started by B3-B4, then tried B2-B3 and B1-B2.
Initial tries:
Fringe found on CHAMP for B3-B4
CHAMP-IR4: 196500
MIRC-IR3=66000 (good position),
MIRC-IR4=71615 (moved 2mm from the good position 91615 as there was not enough range on CHAMP-IR4 to find fringe)
Fringe found on CHAMP for B2-B3
CHAMP-IR3: 182150
MIRC-IR2: 80449 ("good")
MIRC-IR3: 66000 ("good")
Could not find the fringe on CHAMP for B1-B2
MIRC-IR2: 80449
MIRC-IR1: 40350 (moved +/-2mm from good position)
LT 00:28 (37 And), found B3-B4 fringes on CHAMP.
Note: over time CHAMP-IR3 position moved from 179850 to 180250 (but initially found at 182150).
LT 03:18 found B2-B3 fringes on CHAMP but position moves rapidly from 182350
LT 03:30 MIRC sees all fringes, but CHAMP cannot find them using the previously determined offsets. We try to search around but quickly realize that the FT buttons on OPLE were green (FT inactive) so OPLE was not receiving offsets. This is probably due to an early reboot of OPLE during the night.
LT 04:30 found B2-B3 fringes with CHAMP-IR3: 182300, no B3-B4 fringe. We went to the lab to check again that CHAMP-IR1/IR2/IR3/IR4 Zaber mounts were moving reliably. Made various tests, Zaber mounts reproduce reliably.
LT 04:45 found B3-B4 fringes with CHAMP-IR3: 182300, CHAMP-IR4: 208350, MIRC-IR4: 71615. Attempted to record cophased data with fringes "LOCK" (ftdata_400153) and "OFF" (ftdata_401959), however MIRC was locking, not CHAMP. Despite now having the FT toggles set up ok on OPLE, it does not appear than we can paddle the fringes away (tried 1-300 microns in range) ? (not sure)
Identified bugs:
champGui: scaling of Amp-vs-OPD plot in bottom panel sometimes strange
champGui: delay line offsets do not update
astropci: negative values in Amp-vs-OPD
champGui/astropci: properly identify the panels with certain beam/telescope combinations
2010 October 8:
fb, sk, and rmg
Config: S1 E1 W1 W2 (B1-B2-B3-B4)
afternoon: doing alignment,