Engineering 2010Oct
See last set of notes from Engineering 2010July-Aug
Daily Log:
2010 October 2:
fb: realigned champ optics and started working on fringe-jumping and coherent integration for cophasing.
2010 October 3:
fb: did a first alignment using the IR array but mostly worked on improving the software.
2010 October 4:
fb and sk
morning -- checking the alignment, CHAMP fully aligned at noon
afternoon -- trying to debug the Zaber mount repeatability problem
2010 October 5:
fb and sk
morning -- redo alignment on E1S1; problems finding pyramid center (it helps to turn on the incandescent lights); fix problems with Zaber mount motors by increasing sleeptime from 3s to 10s
afternoon -- small updates to champGui; searching for beams on wide-field image; 3-4 beams found but problems to align them
evening -- redo alignment on W1W2; found internal WL fringes on R2 using W1-W2 (Beam 1-2) at +3.95mm (see image)
2010 October 6:
fb, sk, and rmg
morning -- discuss with rafael alignment procedure
afternoon -- readjusting pyramid position to avoid bad pixels in the Q1 quadrant; new pyramid center at x=23, y=8; use for IRCam following offsets: row=5, col=20
evening -- discussing alignment tool; add functionality to to adjust the sign of the motion (done, but still have to determine the values)