Switch to prism mode
Assuming MIRC is at grism mode right now, to change to prism mode, here are the steps.
1. use the white light source in the lab, do fiber explore to
align the fibers for all 6 beams.
Then put the white light on beam 3 and 4.
2. Rotate out the grism. There are two knobs on the back of the MIRC dewar, the inner one controls the filters, and the outer one controls the spectral resolution (1 = open, 4 = low resolution grism). If mirc is at low resolution grism mode, the outer knob should be at 4. Rotate it to 1, which means open. You can do this manually.
3. move in the prism. You can turn the knob of the zaber mount manually to move the prism until it is aligned with the doublet and the window of the detector. The alignment doesn't have to be precise, just judging by your eyes is enough.
4. Align the doublet. Now you shouldn't see any light on the detector if the readout of the detector is set for the grism mode.