NASACAM:Anderson Notes
2011 May:
Determining why Vdetcom is shorting out.
Matt created a wiki account .
No shorts found in wiring harness or across card.
Begin work to get DSP code running on Mac or Windows 7.
2011 June:
Continue work on DSP code as it is needed for further debugging of Vdetcom short.
Information for updating the tim script for use under Wine can be found here: media: WineScript.pdf in an email from Bob Leach.
Other information on the electronics system and software, including login information for Astro-Cams, can be found here: Leach Electronics
June 10: More info on Wine can be found at
Wine + DSP Assembler installation on lab computer. Fedora Version Running: Fedora release 7 (Moonshine)
cmd: more /etc/redhat-release
Install Wine:
cmd: yum install wine Wine installed.
DSP Versions:
ASM Class 56300 DSP Gen III
Debugging Process:
Used chmod -x to make the script Wine_tim executable. Throws 2 errors. 1. :Bad Interpreter 2. No such file or directory. Fixed with dos2unix Wine_tim.
DSP compiled with no errors... No testing of if the tim file works yet. Wine_tim is the script for compiling the dsp code. Wine_tim is found in /home/matt/Desktop/DSP/ Command to compile is ./Wine_tim timboot.asm, timIRmisc.asm, and timmisc.asm must be present in directory for compiler to work.
DSP Check.
New timing files have been checked via diff command. Files are identical except that in some cases an additional digit has been added to the ends of some values. These digits come after the decimal place and are always zero so no change in voltage should be observed.