CLIMB Observing Run 2011Apr
Observing Strategy:
We would like to observe some of our primary YSO targets with CLIMB on the telescope configuration S1-E1-W1 (first priority) and S1-E2-W2 (second priority). If telescope S1 is not available, please replace with telescope S2. I suggest starting the first night on S1-E1-W1 and, if relatively successful, to switch for the second night to S1-E2-W2.
Sky Map
Calibrator List
Observing Logs:
please put in here:
CHARA-ID numbers for YSOs:
MWC 297 = CHARA 320030
MWC 340 = CHARA 320079
AS205A = CHARA 320093
Target list:
Source Ra Dec Weight V H K SType Type Vsini(km/s) Diam(mas) Comments 142666 15 56 40.0 -22 01 40.0 0.00 8.8 6.7 6.1 A8 - - - =V1026 Sco 144432 16 06 58.0 -27 43 09.8 0.00 8.2 6.5 5.9 A9 - - - AS205A 16 11 31.3 -18 38 25.9 0.00 12.0 6.7 5.8 - - - - =CHARA 320093 150193 16 40 17.9 -23 53 45.2 0.00 8.9 6.2 5.5 - - - - =MWC863 MWC297 18 27 39.5 -03 49 52.0 0.00 12.3 4.4 3.0 - - - - =CHARA 320030 179218 19 11 11.2 +15 47 15.6 0.00 7.2 6.6 6.0 - - - - =MWC614 MWC340 20 20 28.2 +41 21 51.5 0.00 10.7 6.8 5.7 - - - - =V1685 Cyg = CHARA 320079
The targets AS205A and MWC297 are very promising, but are likely difficult due to the low V-band magnitude. Please try only under exceptional atmospheric conditions.