KMK Electronic Notebook
Electronic Notebook
Set up wiki pages. Met Xiao. Saw iPad.
Customized mac mini dock
Tried compiling "Hello, world" application: NEED PASSWORD from user in group "Developer Tools"
Looking over TELNET protocol specifications. Confused.
Investigating use of PuTTY or other TELNET client code. Equally confusing
NOTE: The PuTTY license gives total freedom to take, copy, and sell their code. Good news!
In Lab:
Assembled ethernet controller (8752) and intelligent driver (8753) on mount
Working on finding a C/Objective-C telnet library
-Looking into libcurl (
The new book is much better for Objective-C. Finally getting a decent grasp on what everything is here
Lots of reading ahead on the plane back to MI, then looking to write some code for practice.
May also put gobjc on my laptop for experimenting w/o nearby Mac.
Working with networking code. It's all very confusing.
WireShark installed to allow me to see whether I'm sending network traffic.
WireShark can't capture because I can't run it as superuser.
Currently attempting to use Objective-C's built in streams for network communication.
Working with hand terminal:
-IP Address (dynamic):
Working with telnet:
-use chl <driver>=<motor> where driver is a1 through a31 and motor is 0,1, or 2 before trying to move motor
2010Oct26 : a resource (possibly to use as a template for C)
Resources (I'll put the best ones outside this folder eventually)
- fromUMich Library
- Basic overview of iPhone networking + good links
- long, but good, detailed explanations, socket basics
- long, but good, detailed explanations, socket basics
Now have a simple client/server program that can exchange data between computers. The motor does not respond to the program yet, just to the telnet application. The program is in ~/Desktop/iOS/kevin/socketTesting/
- found this a few minutes ago, and now I'm frustrated / confused as to why I haven't seen it before!
- Seems like the python code merely sends the command with a newline. However, this doesn't seem to work with the C code.
- TO DO tomorrow/Thursday: implement a recv() in clientBackup.c so I can tell what the picomotor controller is sending back (if anything)
- I can now send commands over the network via C! the client is located at /Users/monnierlab/Desktop/iOS Development/kevin/socketTesting/clientBackup.c
- after using CHL, use REL <driver>=<value> then GO a1
- Going to start moving the more useful stuff closer to the front of the wiki. I might also post clientBackup.c just in case. Also: I need to figure out whether I can ssh/vnc into this machine