Todo list

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Revision as of 21:27, 10 December 2012 by (talk)
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Things need to be added to the code

   1. a dynamic window for close loop:
         1. automatically expands the size of the window when there is no light
         2. shrink the size when there is light
         3. don't hit the boundary of the next subaperture
         4. larger than the PSF
         5. maybe use a gaussian filter to filt out the noise far from the center
   2. a dynamic window for feed forward:
         1. an optimal size for different seeing condition
         2. record the position informations, and make prediction of the next centroid position

Parameters need to be optimized

   1. lenslet number across the pupil
   2. feedback value at tiptilt
   3. feedback value at DM
   4. subaperture array size for open loop
   5. gain on detector
   6. number of modes to be used for wavefront reconstruction
   7. integration time for faint end object

Things to show on AO review

   1. strehl ratio vs.  magnitude at
        1. different seeing condition ( 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 m)
        2. modal and zonal methods
        3. close-loop and feed forward