Engineering 2012MayJun
Computer OSes
- May 27: Debian Lenny source packages were moved to FB updated the packages to reflect this.
- May 27: aptitude on wolverine found more than 65535 (16bit limit) packages to update, causing a bug. FB updated the apt cache size, then updated the distribution source by source.
- May 27: current status = we have the final versions of all Debian Lenny packages (gcc 4.3.2, python 2.5.2, pygtk 2.12.1, gtk 2.12.12)
- May 28: also upgraded lothlorien to ease work on CHAMP
CHAMP -- hardware
- May 26: Larry started pumping CHAMP
- May 27: vacuum ~ 2e-3
- May 28: vacuum reached 1.0e-3, so not quite ready for pumping.
- May 29: CHAMP cool, pressure ~7e-7
- May 29: Despite attempts to reproduce hardware crashes/freezes from last run, none have happened so far.
CHAMP -- software
- May 28: fixed CVS that had been erased from ctrscrut due to a HDD failure in Jan/Feb. Fixed all memory leaks on spooler and astropci reported by cppcheck, especially realloc issues. Reintroduced star info and uv info to spooler, hopefully compatible with CHARA libraries (tests TBD).
- May 29: worked on spooler code, now fully functional, i.e. star + uv info (though this uses partially the old method). Tried unsuccessfully to reproduce the "negative ftnum bug".
- May 30: cleaned up a lot of the python code and debug of automatic calibration -- would need consecutive spots to fully try.
- May 31: continued Pico automatic calibration and automatic spiral search. Spot detection routine not robust yet but spiral search works on single spot. Made backup of code + added to CVS the new spooler code.
- Jun 1-2 : been working on the aligment GUI, fixed many bugs, see
- Jun 2-12: code for new pzts, cophasing with MIRC (see below).
- Jun 12: W1(B1)-W2(B2), ref= W1, delay line fringes W1: 2.200000m, W2: 2.007073, gain is +0.25 on B1B2 to track fringes.
Thresholding tests:
- lowering SLtoS threshold at 2-3 instead of 4 helps to not loose weak fringes.
Final final cophasing of MIRC+CHAMP with CHARA
Work on June 10, 2012 (JDM/XC)
REFS: MIRC IR6 87750, CHAMP IR6 is not adjustable
5&6 5.720 mm IR5: 55250 IR5: 136685
4&5 5.841 mm IR4: 84450 IR4: 146754
3&4 5.375 mm IR3: 58262 IR3: 155554
2&3 5.940 mm IR2: 77030 IR2: 171589
1&2 5.024 mm IR1: 68580 IR1: 179630
6&1 DL below ---- BC: 44300
DL: W1(B1)-W2(B6), W1:1.00000m, W2:1.222532m
Starting 5:07pm
Prep: Homing RETRO
BEAM 5-6
MIRC Quality Control checks
Beam 5: 66 cts peak / 732 cts, FWHM 7.6 mu (Fluxes here are xchan / fringe quad)
Beam 6: 51 cts peak / 642 cts, FWHM 7.1 mu
FRINGES (VIS~90%, very little dispersion):
ir5 67750, ir 6 87750, retro 4.723.
Goal: FIX IR6 87750, RETRO 5.720mm, adjust IR5: 55250 (CALIBRATION: 12.5 microns IR% per 10 microns of RETRO)
CHAMP alignment:
Beam5 image quality is great.
Beam5 R6 comment says "image clean" but actually two spots. I will choose bottom one (top one seems to lead to failure)
Beam6 L6 image looks very elongated... vignetting? ugh.
Looking for fringes... FOUND: champ IR5 136685, RETRO 5.720
BEAM 4-5
MIRC Quality Control checck
Beam 4: 85 cts peak / 950 cts, FWHM 6.7 mu (Fluxes here are xchan / fringe quad)
Beam 5: 75 cts peak / 860 cts, FWHM 6.6 mu
Fringes (vis ~ 70%, detectable but small dispersion)!: MIRC-IR4: 84450, RETRO 5.841
CHAMP Alignment:
Problems getting all spots to overlap. It hink the soluiont was to choose different spot for B5 R5... champ ir4: 146754, RETRO 5.841
finished 6:45pm
BEAM 3-4
MIRC Quality Control checck
Beam 3: 130 cts peak / 1240 cts, FWHM 7.9 mu (Fluxes here are xchan / fringe quad)
Beam 4: 65 cts peak / 770 cts, FWHM 7.7 mu
FRINGES!: (VIS~60%, no obvious dispersion) MIRC IR3: 58262 RETRO 5.375
BEAM 2-3
MIRC Quality Control checck
Beam 2: 110 cts peak / 1200 cts, FWHM 6.5 mu (Fluxes here are xchan / fringe quad)
Beam 3: 107 cts peak / 1180 cts, FWHM 7.5 mu
FRINGES!: (VIS~90%, most dispersion so far...) MIRC IR2: 77030 RETRO 5.940
BEAM 1-2
MIRC Quality Control checck
Beam 1: 98 cts peak / 1250 cts, FWHM 6.9 mu (Fluxes here are xchan / fringe quad)
Beam 2: 113 cts peak / 1100 cts, FWHM 7.7 mu
FRINGES!: (VIS~85%, little dispersion....) MIRC IR1: 68580 RETRO 5.024
BEAM 6-1
Delay line fringes on W1(B1)-W2(B6) with W1 at 1.000000 m and W2 at 1.222532 m.
MIRC IR1 68580, IR6 87750
CHAMP BC: 44300 (-1000 on BC is equivalent to +50 um on W2)
Data Analysis
- UT2012Jun14
Looked at BEAM Ratios for MWC 361 on sky performance.
Beam order; W1 S2 S1 E1 E2 W2
Note that B2/S2 has the worst quality. B5/E2 is the best.
with a camera rate of 250Hz:
Based on shutters, approximately champ files 00081 to 0096
Orange | Apple | more |
Bread | Pie | more |
Butter | Ice cream |
and more |
Total | 149.2 | 54.1 | 87.6 | 69.3 | 112.7 | 91.3 |
Li | 0.37 | 0.28 | 0.28 | 0.39 | 0.35 | 0.36 |
Ri | 0.23 | 0.27 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.33 | 0.25 |
Li+1 | 0.14 | 0.12 | 0.06 | 0.12 | 0.05 | 0.17 |
Ri+1 | 0.26 | 0.33 | 0.44 | 0.25 | 0.27 | 0.22 |
based on these funny results on B3 especially we are looking carefully at engineering beam. we arechecking flux ratios for beam 3 and image quality.
Nightly Log
- UT June 8, 2012
got lab fringes on beams 1,2
got sky fringes on beams 1,2 (w1-s2).
mirc found fringes with S2 at 5.8mm, we had to move s2 to 7.1mm, so a change of 1.3mm (hmmmm?)
but we tooks some data 2012Jun08/champ0001-0002 and later background files.
- UT June 14, 2012
goal track fringes with CHAMP.
problems: software accumulator for envelope was corrupted by a recent change. spent time tracking that down.
W1 telescope has constant tracking problems between 30-42 degrees or so. frustrating.
MIRC found fringes on one CAL but not on MWC 631 (except one cross fringe).
Now trying to get fringes on a new cal.
MWC361 had about 50 counts at 250Hz. but coudln't find fringes
problems with tracking W1 and S1.
Now going to a cal that is closer to mwc 361: hd 205776
MIRC is tracking fringes fine. CHAMP found fringes for champ IR4: 147084 IR5: 136845. BC: 44660 IR1: 179550
GAINS: BC1 +0.25, BC2: -0.25 BC3: +0.25, BC4: -0.25, BC5: +0.25, BC6: -0.25
MIRC: 00291 champ 0004-005.. SHUTTERS: mirc 309->408
champ is taking data during shutters.. will have to sort this out! at 0006-> 0040 or something.
note: W1 was not tweaked at all so the fluxes will not be representative of performance except E2W2 were optimized.
hd 200775
W1 tracking fine above 41 m.
mirc is optimizing.
MIRC: S2 5.89 E1 2.38 E2 1.92 W1 1.25 W2 ref S1 XX
FT offsets: BC1 -.325 BC2 BC3 XX BC4 XX BC5 .209 BC6 .060
We found fringes between W2-W1, e1-e2, e2-w2.. but not for w1-s2. We
We could never find S2-W1 fringes. not sure why. we found on calibrator but could not find on mwc 361. probably too resolved !!
taking shutter sequence.. mirc data + champ (champ0081=>).
plan is to next re-optimize fluxes and search for fringes on mirc.
note -- signal on L2 was VERY WEAK.. maybe alignment? beam 6 L1 also weak
maybe mwc 361 is resolved W1-S2 baseline... try another option?
Switching S1 <-> S2
back on sky. we changed pops too .
3:43am. peaking up on the
found fringes on cal. found fringes on mwc361 but NOT S2-E1 .. no fringes again . BC1: -0.756 BC2 XX BC3 XX BC4 (cal) -1.071 BC5 -0.023 BC6 0.227
but no S2-E1 fringes... mwc 361 fringes must be too weak for long baselines!
we took 250Hz data champ 0165-182 as a test to see if its better to go slower. so we are taking more data at 125Hz. 70mu scans weres saturateda bout 3/4 of the way through on mwc361 (k=4.6) -- so not too practical.
(sorry these logs are bad -- but wiki logs suck and I am tired...!)