Editing lucy mod.F90
From Monnier Group Research Wiki
Here is an example of how to edit lucy_mod.F90 for customized convergence criteria. The default is to
! forceLucyConv is set in the parameters.dat file if required |
if ( forceLucyConv ) then |
converged = .true. |
if (myRankIsZero) write(*,*) "FORCING CONVERGENCE FOR TESTS!!!!" |
end if |
if (multiLucyFiles) then |
write(tfilename, '(a,i2.2,a)') "lucy",iIter_grand,".vtk" |
else |
tfilename = "lucy.vtk" |
endif |
call writeVtkFile(grid, tfilename, & |
valueTypeString=(/"rho ", "temperature", "tau ", "crossings ", "etacont " , & |
"dust1 ", "deltaT ", "etaline ","fixedtemp ", "inflow "/)) |
! ! |
! ! Write grid structure to a tmp file. |
! ! |
if (myRankIsZero) call writeAMRgrid("lucy_grid_tmp.dat", .false., grid) |
if ((grid%geometry == "ttauri").and.(iIter_grand >= 5)) then |
write(*,'(a, 1p,D13.4,1p,D13.4,1p,D13.4)') 'checking for convergence', totalEmission,oldTotalEmission,abs(totalEmission-oldTotalEmission)/oldtotalEmission |
if (abs(totalEmission-oldTotalEmission)/oldtotalEmission < 5.0d-2) converged = .true. ! get out at 5% accuracy after niter=4 |
endif |