CHAMP/MIRC Observing Run 2011July

From Monnier Group Research Wiki
Revision as of 07:59, 9 July 2011 by (talk)
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problems to solve:

* NOSTAR in header
* ople server communication for mirc spooler does not seem to be working at all.
* remove extra digits in fiber explorer.


Starting up on sky for the run.

all times are local.

20:30p on sky. Our first star is a calibrator for delta sco, HD 133670. we found some of the fiber images to be crap -- esp. #4 (W2) We went to brighter star DEL SCO to try to optimize fiber focus.


we are re-focusing beam4 (W2) which is really bad!! this means the actual telescope is out of focus.

22:27p we have had hard time optimizing flux. the r0 is crap and highly variable and we are observing at low elevation (30 degrees). we finally decided to focus on this more seriously and find a brighter target (hd150450) which is H=0, V=5. for just focusing.

we are doing a super systematic focus work... wait and see!
