From Monnier Group Research Wiki
2011May21 Saturday
1. Wiki: * Create jdm daily (this)
- update global champ todo this
- update observing Logs for champ mirc
2. align light source (luminos) for champ optimization
3. check bootstrap6 code
- done. fixed bug
4. jdm stretch test (mirc GDT)
- it works!!
5. sabattical prep (send guy by monday morning)
- done. sent guy draft
6. bug hunt accumulation
- no luck.... possibly memory problem elsewhere in code.
7. check fluxes for climb/champ
- climb 2010Jul13. hd 192985. 500hz sampling. flux: 123/170/126 sum counts on B1,B2,B3. nz 4.0 cts
- champ 2011May20 hd 192985. 500hz sampling. flux: ~120,120 sum counts on B3,B4. nz 3.3 cts.
8. check npix_fringe >4 for wrap around and ft-PHI estimators.
- done. it works!
9. ADD RT-TIME for MIRC/CHAMP and test with simultaneous lab fringes.
10. find new opdmap based on on-sky data. Sky wavelegnth was 1.045 X longer than the lab. assume lab was 2.15, then sky is 2.247.
- did one beam so far. need to think about how to implement this generally.