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Use this page to update our running list of questions and problems with upgrading MIRC from gentoo/rtai to debian/xenomai.

Please use your initials to write questions and when they are responded to. we should move answered questions to the top.

JDM: Why is new mirc crashing when reading large arrays?

XC: There are two initializations of two pointers in the code, and if I comment them out, the code seems to run smoothly. I have paste the two initializations here:

1. bzero(bkgndBuffer,daq.rows*daq.cols*daq.nreads*daq.numberOfFrames*sizeof(float) );


    for (n1=0;n1<daq.cols/2; n1++) {
      for(k2=0; k2< daq.rows/2; k2++){
        lf = (exc.lambda-(exc.bandwidth/2.0)) + exc.bandwidth*k2/(daq.rows/2-1);
        lf = exc.lambda/lf;
        for (k1=0;k1<daq.cols/2; k1++) {
          *(xtransform+k1+k2*daq.cols/2+n1*(daq.cols/2*daq.rows/2)) =
            (float complex)  (lf*cos(2*PI*lf*k1*n1/(daq.cols/2))) +
            I*(float complex)(lf*sin(2*PI*lf*k1*n1/(daq.cols/2)));
          *(xtransform_re+k1+k2*daq.cols/2+n1*(daq.cols/2*daq.rows/2)) =
            (float)  (lf*cos(2*PI*lf*k1*n1/(daq.cols/2)));
          *(xtransform_im+k1+k2*daq.cols/2+n1*(daq.cols/2*daq.rows/2)) =
    for (n2=0;n2<daq.rows/2; n2++){
      for (k2=0; k2< daq.rows/2; k2++){
          (float complex)  (cos(2*PI*k2*n2/(daq.rows/2))) +
          I*(float complex)(sin(2*PI*k2*n2/(daq.rows/2)));
          (float)  (cos(2*PI*k2*n2/(daq.rows/2)));

JDM: Assuming we can compile code in our own home accounts, how do we actually execute RTScheduler and spooler with the correct permissions/authority? use sudo? login as root?

EP: I just reminded myself... The CHARA lib and header are in /usr/local, MIRC binaries are installed in /usr/local/bin when you type make install. You just checkout control/MIRC, cd control/MIRC and make. I just tried and it works

JDM: so who can compile and install new libraries in /usr/local? what is the process? make make install

at least for MIRC

The CHARA libs are more finicky. I just checked out the essential libs. Theo told me to checkout and compile everything, but that is HUGE. I just checked out and compiled the minimum. The other possibility would be to mount the CHARA libs from michelson on /usr/local or somewhere else. This could be done using sshfs instead of NFS.