CHAMP todo list
From Monnier Group Research Wiki
- Alignment of whole system for 6 beams --- Done
- Testing pzt strokes, creating opd maps --- Done
- Getting delayline retros working --- Done
- Testing the champ actuators debug IR5 actuator --- Done
- J band tests --- tried with JDM
- Recenter champ internal mirrors while maintaining CHARA internal fringes and also keep MIRC fringes. --- Done
- Focus champ ToP mirrors. --- Done
FT algorithm
- Testing of state machine automatic changes --- Done
- Testing coherent integration --- Done
- Faint fringe mode --- TBD
- Doing the 'wrap around' mode for the ABCD, --- Done
- Better noise debias --- TBD
- Kalman filter --- TBD
- Ability to save files --- Done
- Performance diagnostics for display --- In progress
- Auto-thresholding --- Done
- Manual alignment tools --- Done
- Automatic alignment tools --- In progress
- Auto OPD calibration using internal fringes with Newport retros --- TBD (what do we need for this ?)
User oriented
- Update CHAMP alignment procedure --- Done
- Update spot alignment procedure, add one for 6T --- Done
- Update user guide, new paths to software, etc. --- Done
- Define procedure to align pyramid --- TBD
Low level software
- Migrate to the new version of Xenomai including rewriting the drivers for the analog out board --- Err...
- Put realtime code on CHARA CVS and UM SVN --- Done
- Put python code on UM SVN --- Done