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Cophasing of VEGA and MIRC on UT 2010-10-12: (SK)

MIRC ealing mount position after cophasing:

IR1=58350, IR2=65449, IR3=66000, IR4=71600

(Configuration: E1-E2-W2-W1; B1-B2-B3-B4)

Cophasing of VEGA and MIRC on UT 2010-10-13/14: (SK)

For the E1-E2-W2-W1 configuration, the MIRC ealing mount positions were still suitable.

However, when we changed to the S1-S2-W2-W1 configuration and tracked with MIRC, the fringes were somewhat off-centered at VEGA, possibly due to differences in the LDCs of the individual telescopes.