2010jun jdm todo

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Revision as of 18:34, 7 June 2010 by (talk)
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1. MIRC: Add button on mirc gui to send offsets to new server that theo made

2. MIRC: Header: add information about POPS and the delay line cart actual positions

3. MIRC: UV data is not right -- I think the time is being sent wrong to the ople server in header.

4. MIRC: Update chara_messages.h (64bit/32biytZ) and save to CVS!!! and install in intall directory on mirkwood

5. MIRC: investigate mirc noise problem

6. CHAMP/MIRC: "move wolverine to control room. "decommission lothlorien [ship home?] [EP]

"7. CHAMP install and test new dicroics with green laser [JDM]"

"8. CHAMP/MIRC: discuss update path for mirc and chara OS with ettore before he leaves"

9. CHAMP: plan alignment tools with Rafael

10. CHAMP: show full champ alignment to FB and RMG 11. MIRC: NEW FIBER explorer for 6T and PC [XC]