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'''Future work'''
'''Future work'''

  1. For first phase, we will replace only the detector (in C-RED one; out PICNIC). It means that we will use the existing python GUIs which are optimized for taking the background and for plotting the power spectrum and the fringe searching. It means, first, we need to take the commands behind the FLI real time display GUI and apply them to the existing MIRC python GUI. Second, the C-RED software currently produces .raw extension and that needs to convert FITS extension.
1. For first phase, we will replace only the detector (in C-RED one; out PICNIC). It means that we will use the existing python GUIs which are optimized for taking the background and for plotting the power spectrum and the fringe searching. It means, first, we need to take the commands behind the FLI real time display GUI and apply them to the existing MIRC python GUI. Second, the C-RED software currently produces .raw extension and that needs to convert FITS extension.

  2. Second phase, develop more appropriate GUIs in the software practices of CHARA (with GTK).
2. Second phase, develop more appropriate GUIs in the software practices of CHARA (with GTK).

  3. Third, optics upgrades and so on.
3. Third, optics upgrades and so on.

Revision as of 14:43, 24 November 2016

Documentation from C-RED from First Light company



C-RED review for interferometry (SPIE2016)

C-RED wavefront sensing (SPIE2016)

FLI simulator installation notes

Notes of the C-RED simulator installation.

A) Powering the computer:

 1. Operating system is Kubuntu, which is recommended to use at chara.
 2. It booted directly, without promting the password. I saw the booting was very quick.
 3.  computer name:simu-desktop and user: simu
 4. uname -a, command results:
 Linux simu-desktop 3.19.0-25-generic #26~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 24 21:16:20 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 5. lsb_release -a, command results:
 Distributor ID: Ubuntu
 Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
 Release:        14.04
 Codename:       trusty

 6. df -h, disk space
 Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sda5       116G  5,4G  104G   5% /
 none            4,0K     0  4,0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
 udev            3,8G  4,0K  3,8G   1% /dev
 tmpfs           767M  1,2M  766M   1% /run
 none            5,0M  4,0K  5,0M   1% /run/lock
 none            3,8G   92K  3,8G   1% /run/shm
 none            100M   20K  100M   1% /run/user

 7. free -h, memeory
            total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
 Mem:          7,5G       3,7G       3,8G       153M        64M       1,0G
 -/+ buffers/cache:       2,6G       4,9G 
 Swap:         1,9G         0B       1,9G

 8. cred installable sources located at: /home/simu/firstlight/
 chrpath         credonedemo-src-1.0.0.tgz  InstallationLog.txt  libQt5Core.so.5        libQt5Widgets.so.5  uninstall.dat
 components.xml  credone_mil.dcf            libicudata.so.51     libQt5DBus.so.5        network.xml         uninstall.ini
 creddemo-src    icons                      libicui18n.so.51     libQt5Gui.so.5         platforms
 credoneDemo     imageformats               libicuuc.so.51       libQt5SerialPort.so.5  uninstall

 9. credoneDemo is the real time diaplay executable for the detector.

B) Powering the first light data acquisition electronics:

The real time display has following buttons:

1) Important image acquisition settings
  a) Build bias and flat. Once they are build there are other clicable options to use them.
  b) Gain range selection button
  c) Exposure time (co-add of frames) settings for correlation double sampling (CDS) and single readout modes.
  d) Image crop option
  e) Save images buffer allows to acquire detector images with a user selectable number of frames.
  f) Various image display settings
2) PELTIER Cooling system:
  g) power monitor
  h) temperature monitor

C) Data acquisition: By changing the exposure time (or varying the number of frames), test detector images are acquired, for practice.


Future work

1. For first phase, we will replace only the detector (in C-RED one; out PICNIC). It means that we will use the existing python GUIs which are optimized for taking the background and for plotting the power spectrum and the fringe searching. It means, first, we need to take the commands behind the FLI real time display GUI and apply them to the existing MIRC python GUI. Second, the C-RED software currently produces .raw extension and that needs to convert FITS extension.

2. Second phase, develop more appropriate GUIs in the software practices of CHARA (with GTK).

3. Third, optics upgrades and so on.