Etalon Engineering Run 2015Jun: Difference between revisions

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JDM added 'BEAMCOMB' to the spooler output, as Theo requested. code currently in /home/devel/control/MIRC/spooler(bin)
JDM added 'BEAMCOMB' to the spooler output, as Theo requested. code currently in /home/devel/control/MIRC/spooler(bin)
I tried recombling the cvs code by tons of errors and so dropped it.
I tried recombling the cvs code by tons of errors and so dropped it.
We don't have implemented our precision thermometers but I will record the temperature readings on the lab thermometers.  These are readings from the white "Radio Shack digital thermometer" that is sitting on the optical bench right next to the etalon mounts.  OUTDOOR: 72.3 F, INDOOR 73.9 F.  (I thoughtI recorded this temperature also last year, but can't find it yet..)


Latest revision as of 02:42, 26 June 2015

Notes from etalon run

2015Jun23 (calendar)

Beam 6 was giving us problems.. A highly comatic image. we adjusted the pickoff tip/tilt and the z-position to optimize the flux (increase x2) We now have an excellent image FWHM 7.1 and no coma, although fluxes are still low by x2 compared to best other ones... not sure why.

luminous mounts 6: x,y,z and ealing 56320, 98990, 89053, 60000 compared to original position: 61060, 60750,89153, 87750.

we expect teh RETRO fringes to now be in a different place compared to last time and yesterday.

now we will move to the grism mode.

so we setup camera based on last run: So we had to the 'flip quadrant function.' setup was: 48 252 100 2 4 500 500 which gave frame times of 13ms (Ok)

next we move prism out of the way -- from 505213 -> 0

next talking to filterwheels. turn on mirc and champ filterwheel power from APC webpages.

run script: wolverine2:Subversion/MIRC/MIRC6T/scripts/ (be patient. this takes a while)

SET ConfigName to H_GRISM150 etalon 6,30,0,18,24,12 micron

RETRO POSITIONS: B12, B23, B34, B45, B56 (with W1 B5, W2 B6)

   5.345, 6.840, 5.243, 6.185, 9.905 

ok.. light was perfectly centered in the above software window.

XCHANS shifted: PRISM: 201 213 219 164 188 176 NOW for R150, quad flip: 199 211 217 162 186 174 onsky: 198 211 217 161 RETRO for B5B6 is now 9.9049 (instead of 7.715mm because we shifted the B6 ealing mount by 2.7mm) Now taking fringe data on all pairs, both w/ and w/o etalon. remember to turn tiptilt on for spooler.

taking internal fringe data w/ and w/o etalons.

all done.. we took an extra few hours to do this because the visbeams alignment was poor. we re-optimized that tonight too.

Trying to get on sky. 2am. issues with fiber explorer not receiving proper xchans. after trying many things, we are rebooting mirkwood to see if this might free up a socket problem?

now problem with S1. can't track above 78 degrees! ugh!

We got a decent set on kap peg, although we often tracked when we didn't have the main packet.

2015Jun24 (calendar)

I noticd the PRISM had not fully retracted for last night's data. This means the wavelength calibration might be different than what we find today. I also noticed the xchans are a bit low on the chip (not perfectly aligned with fringes). I will tweak this up tomorrow, but not touch the fringe positions.

First half of night is Nic's to use S1S2, so we are doing a bit of 4T data on v819 Her.

I calculated the separatino of Kappa Peg and we have seo 183.24650 mas and 100.11146 deg

v819 her (H 3.8) is a bit faint. we can sometimes see the fringes.

we are collecting great data!!

good setting during average seeing 8.5cm: coherent coadds 30, ps coadd 3.

we keep losing stars near zenith hole. remember to take shutters for gam lyr BEFORE 1:30am.

crap! we see that we lost communcation with tiptilt so that means the header have the same star for everything! ugh. We better keep the logs precious.

we got data on v819 Her, gam Lyr (no shutters), sig cyg, then kap peg.

2015 Jun 25 (calendar, Thursday)

we blew air on beam 6 fiber and the flux went up by x3. yay! we also tweaked the XCHAN fibers up on the array to be more perfectly aligned with the fringe channels.

JDM added 'BEAMCOMB' to the spooler output, as Theo requested. code currently in /home/devel/control/MIRC/spooler(bin) I tried recombling the cvs code by tons of errors and so dropped it.

We don't have implemented our precision thermometers but I will record the temperature readings on the lab thermometers. These are readings from the white "Radio Shack digital thermometer" that is sitting on the optical bench right next to the etalon mounts. OUTDOOR: 72.3 F, INDOOR 73.9 F. (I thoughtI recorded this temperature also last year, but can't find it yet..)