UT 2010-Jul-21 ============== Program CL3, PI Kraus Observers: Fabien, Chris CHARA/CLIMB TEL E1-S1 POP 1 1 BEAM B5-B6 REF CART S1 Starting LT 20 July 2010, 20:30 Weather: clear r0 = 8 cm, average piston Attempting MWC614 NIRO crash 20:50 aligning on HD178568 21:00 scanning for fringes NIRO crash... 21:30 still no fringes/switched to zeta aql found offset 3214 um shutter problem, shutters will not open 21:51 calibrator HD178568 shutters still not working - oss in climb server tip/tilt server crashed 22:05 3340 um 22:06 finally ! recording fringes on HD178568 at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.46 Sum:80 22:18 3300 um switching to target MWC614 22:21 recording fringes on MWC614 at 250Hz/LONG/DEST 3340 Vis:0.121 Sum:120 r0 = 9cm 22:35 3350 22:38 switching to cal HD177305 3400 recording fringes on HD177305 at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.42 Sum:120 r0 = 9cm, much better piston 22:45 3392 22:51 3400 switching to target MWC614 recording fringes on MWC614 at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.13 Sum:110 piston getting worse, r0 still 9cm 23:04 3358 23:10 3390 switching to HD177305 recording fringes on HD177305 at 250Hz/DEST/LONG 3450 Vis:0.35 Sum:120 23:18 3430 Attempting MWC340 NIRO align on calibrator 194708 23:39 scanning for fringes 4186 weird bug with offset not appearing during record beams solved itself 23:48 recording fringes on HD194708 at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.35 ? Sum:180 23:55 4274 0:00 switching to target MWC340 recording fringes on MWC340 at 250Hz/DEST/LONG 4133 Vis:0.11 Sum:125 r0 = 6-7 cm, very high piston 0:09 4180 switching to HD195988 0:22 recording fringes on HD195988 4295 Vis:0.32 Sum:160 0:31 4326 switching to MWC340 hard to find the target - init on cal 0:44 recording fringes on MWC340 at 250Hz/DEST/LONG cancelled as shutter do not work primary servers crashed - on standby NIRO crash everything crashed CONSIDER THE NEXT DATA AS IF NEW NIRO ALIGN ? shutters stuck again NIRO crash x2 1:42 restarted everything 1:43 recording fringes on HD194708 at 250Hz/DEST/LONG 4424 Vis:0.385 Sum:140 1:57 4275 1:58 switching to MWC340 2:05 recording fringes on MWC340 at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.09 Sum:120 bad piston, r0 = 6cm 2:20 4080 switching to HD195988 2:24 recording fringes on HD195988 4123 Vis:0.40 Sum: 2:27 4203 2:36 4134 switching to MWC340 2:48 recording fringes on MWC340 at 250Hz/LONG/DEST 3924 Vis:0.09 Sum:150 3:06 3882 switching to cal HD 194708 3:10 recording fringes on 194708 at 250Hz/LONG/DEST 3973 Attempting WR140 switching to calibrator HD192985 3:31 scanning for fringes found offset 3830 3:37 recording cal HD192985 at 500Hz/LONG/DEST 3930 Vis:0.44 Sum:170 3:42 3916 3:45 switching to WR140 (HD193793) recording WR140 at 500Hz/LONG/DEST 3885 Vis:0.25 Sum:220 3:50 3900 switching to cal HD197037 3:55 recording fringes at 500Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.5 Sum:110 3:59 3880 switching to WR140 4:05 recording fringes on WR140 at 500Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.26 Sum:170 3849 4:10 switching to calibrator HD192985 4:14 recording fringes at 500Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.42 Sum:180 4:21 switching to WR140 4:23 recording fringes at 500Hz/DEST/LONG 3844 Vis:0.24 Sum:180 4:29 switching to cal HD197037 (I tried one of ajay's but it looked suspicious) recording fringes at 500Hz/DEST/LONG 3790 Vis:0.44 Sum:110 Attempting again MWC340 no niro align as alignment is ok switching to cal 194708 4:42 3792 recording fringes at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.36 Sum:160 4:57 3813 switching to MWC340 5:03 recording fringes (much fainter this time !) at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.06 Sum:160 Summary --------- 2 brackets on MWC614 4 brackets on MWC340 (3 early, 1 late) 3 brackets on WR140