2012-06-27 (UT) =========== Program: CL4 (YSO Imaging, PI: Millan-Gabet et al.) Observers: Rafael, Chris (S1S2E1E2W1W2: POPs 441124) CLIMB on beam 1,2,3 B1 B2 B3 / E2 W1 W2 / POPs 125 W1=REF clear UT 04:40 = 21:40 local NIRO align E2 was probably init on wrong star ... now lost fixed it by pointing at Vega at telescope and re-init NIRO align - HD130109 get offsets: E2 -1460um / W2 -2660um good seeing NIRO align - HD147165 near next target = HD142666 -2240um / -3760um cal1: HD148211 -2040um / -3500um weird! DARK data at end of sequence had higher counts than fringe data!! does it both in DESTRUCT and NONDESTRUCT modes still does it even after reboot computer, server and GUI note: flux signals behave properly at the start of the sequence (flux down w shutters) but not at the end => as if background levels are being applied incorrectly ... numbers in data files look OK ... display problem only? so we move on until we get some help ... UT 06:20 - moving to next target = mwc275 NIRO DEST 500Hz cal1 = HD163955 -2100um / -3760um counts: 70 / 50 / 30 change to NIRO NONDEST since that is how we always took data 1000Hz repeat cal1 for some reason now displaying shutter flux levels correctly ... 06:30 HD163955 -2110um / -3700um 06:33 mwc275 = hd163296 some saturation put in 1/2 aperture tiny fringes on the long baselines ... not really tracking them back to cal1 with 1/2 aperture ... NIRO NONDEST 1000Hz MEDSCAN 1/2 aperture 06:55 HD163955 07:00 target = mwc275 = hd163296 -2100um / -3500um counts: 70 / 70 / 60 low SNR on many scans as usual for long baselines but acquiring data ... 07:15 hd163955 07:21 mwc275 -2160um / -3510um 70 / 70 / 50 07:31 hd163955 07:39 change REF NIRO align 07:44 hd163955 07:49 mwc275 -2170um / -3560um 70 / 70 / 50 stronger fringes on long baselines it seems, perhaps due to higher elevation ?? hd163955 08:08 mwc275 -2250um / -3530um 70 / 70 / 50 08:19 hd163955 next target = v1295 aql NIRO align HD188512 got fringe offsets NIRO NONDEST 750Hz MEDSCAN removed aperture 08:40 cal1 = hd189509 -1370um / -2690um 08:47 target = v1295aql = hd190073 -1430um / -2700um ?? hd189509 hmm ... maybe the last 2 cals were actually hd188385?? 09:04 v1295aql -1390um / -2650um ?? hd188385 09:23 v1295aql 09:30 hd188385 move REF NIRO align ?? hd188385 09:50 v1295aql -1400um / -2670um 10:00 hd188385 10:10 v1295aql -1400um / -2580um 60 / 60 / 50 10:17 hd188385 next target v1685 cyg = mwc340 = CHARA 320079 10:20 NIRO align hd193369 fringes on delta cyg = hd186882 NIRO NONDEST 750Hz MEDSCAN 10:34 cal1 = hd193369 -1220um / -2720um 90 / 70 / 80 10:59 v1685cyg -1500um / -2830um 50 / 50 / 40 some difficulty telescope tracking ... V~11 especially W1 11:06 v1685cyg - take another set in case we cannot come back... 11:15 hd193369 11:26 v1685cyg -1644um / -2880um 11:35 hd193369 DONE. --- Summary: mwc275 - 4 brackets v1295 Aql - 5 brackets v1685 Cyg - 3 brackets ---