UT 2010-10-14 ============= VEGA+MIRC UT 20:48 = LT 19:48 start with B1-B2-B3-B4 E1-E2-W2-W1 POPs: S1-S2-E1-E2-W1-W2 4- 5- 1- 2- 1- 5 (Ref: W2) LT 19:15 (HD195725) calibrator, doing fiber alignment recording MIRC+VEGA, good seeing, fringes very nice and clear LT 20:00 (HD205021 = Beta Cep) recording MIRC+VEGA LT 20:40 (HD195725) calibrator recording MIRC+VEGA LT 21:00 (HD205021 = Beta Cep) recording MIRC+VEGA LT 21:33 (HD195725) calibrator recording MIRC+VEGA LT 22:17 (HD205021 = Beta Cep) recording MIRC+VEGA LT 23:25 switching to: B1-B2-B3-B4 S1-S2-W2-W1 (VEGA config: S1-S2-W2, S2-W2-W1) LT 00:00 cannot find fringes problem with LDCs have to reboot OPLE OPLE crashes astropci astropci restarted, freezes OPLE have to reboot OPLE LT 02:15 (HD29248) calibrator still good seeing, but worse than at beginning of the night find 3 fringes, but W2-W1 does not appear likely problem with LDCs again cannot find fringes on W1 with MIRC, although they appear on VEGA compared to the configuration E1E2W2W1, the internal offset has clearly changed (maybe due to differences in the LDC on S2, which introduces a different chromatic OPD for the different configurations) LT 03:20 therefore record 3T-data on S1-S2-W2 (W1 missing) LT 03:55 (HD37022) target find W1 precisely at expected position recording data (MIRC 4T, VEGA S1S2W2) fringes much more stable than yesterday, good seeing recording data (MIRC 4T, VEGA S2W2W1) seeing 5-18cm LT 04:46 (HD29248) calibrator recording data (MIRC 4T, VEGA S2W2W1) running out of delay for 4T, continue 3T to calibrate VEGA data recording data (MIRC 3T, VEGA S1S2W2) LT 05:20 (HD37022) target recording data (MIRC 4T, VEGA S2W2W1), medium tracking quality fringes move much more than on the visit before running out of delay on W1 recording data (MIRC 3T, VEGA S1S2W2), very poor tracking quality (likely useless) spooler crashed when W1 got lost, crashed again when I try to restart after a few minutes, it's possible to restart spooler LT 06:33 (HD43023) bright calibrator for MIRC during twilight recording data (4T MIRC, VEGA also tries recording) for a few frames, there are all 4 fringes lost W1 due to twilight doing shutter LT 06:44 closing