UT 2010-10-12 ============= VEGA+MIRC UT 20:48 = LT 19:48 start with B1-B2-B3-B4 E1-E2-W2-W1 (Ref: W2) LT 20:00 (HD205021 = Beta Cep) doing fiber alignment LT 20:45 problem that the cpeak-values are all zero, so gdtControl does not show the right offsts. LT 21:35 found cross fringe E2 (1.220) - W1 (1.737) LT 21:45 found E1=3.950, E2=3.185, W1=3.685, W2=0.0, recording data VEGA also has fringes, slightly offset MIRC ealing mount position (before cophasing with VEGA): IR1=40350, IR2=80449, IR3=66000, IR4=80000 MIRC ealing mount position after cophasing: IR1=58350, IR2=65449, IR3=66000, IR4=71600 LT 22:20 VEGA has all fringes, VEGA recordes 4T data, two pairs of 3T data good seeing LT 23:20 (HD192907 = Kap Cep) calibrator recording VEGA+MIRC data LT 00:20 (HD7034) calibrator star is above 86 deg elevation, so does not work LT 00:35 (HD14055 = Gam Tri) target VEGA does recenter the pupil, we adjust with fiber explorer LT 01:20 lost W1, reacquire to do shutter (we are losing W1, so we change the shutter sequence, but we lose the star before the required shutter is done) LT 01:35 (HD7034) calibrator W1 is out of delay, so we are observing on E1-E2-W2 only recording VEGA+MIRC data on E1-E2-W2 LT 02:10 (HD29248) calibrator for T1OriC, UD=0.27 mas doing shutter first since VEGA is setting things up LT 02:42 VEGA is recording one file without tracking (reject in data reduction) LT 02:47 tracking now with MIRC recording more shutter data, lost E1 during the shutter sequence took more E1 shutter data LT 03:10 (HD37022 = Theta1 Ori C) target recording data (seeing good 8ms) VEGA records 3T-data on triangle E1-W2-W1 LT 03:50 (HD29248) calibrator out of delay on E1 recording data on 3T LT 04:35 (HD37022 = Theta1 Ori C) target recording data with 4T VEGA E2-W2-W1 LT 04:55 (HD41547) calibrator H=5.0, V=5.9, faint side for MIRC using flatfield (make sure no fringe there; put coherent coadds=600, Save Number=10000) finding fringes, but it is difficult to see E1 is out of delay, recording 3T data only VEGA E2-W2-W1 LT 05:38 (HD48682) calibrator recording 3T data (W1 missing) recording 4T data (W1 found) VEGA records E1-E2-W2 LT 06:10 (HD40312) target recording 3T data (W1 missing) VEGA records E1-E2-W2