2012-06-29 (UT) =========== Program: CL4 (YSO Imaging, PI: Millan-Gabet et al.) Observers: Rafael, Chris beam 1 2 3 = E1 E2(REF) W1 / POPs 134 --> starting configuration beam 1 2 3 = S1 S29REF) W2 / POPs 555 clear UT 03:40 = 20:40 local NIRO align hd143275 offsets: +520um / +3360um NIRO 750Hz NONDEST MEDSCAN 04:10 cal1 = hd140990 388um / 3287um 25 / 30 / 25 04:20 target1 = hd142666 438um / 3360um 40 / 40 / 30 04:29 hd140990 04:40 hd142666 04:47 hd140990 355um / 3284um seeing mediocre... 05:00 hd142666 some flux imbalance... 05:10 hd140990 move on to target2 = mwc275 = hd163296 NIRO ALIGN NIRO NONDEST 1000Hz MEDSCAN 1/2aperture 05:30 cal1 = hd159743 waiting for target delay... 05:40 repeat hd159743 373um / 3320um 60 / 70 / 60 05:50 mwc275 500um / 3435um 50 / 50 / 50 low SNR fringes on long baselines... piston seeing not as good as in previous nights... 06:00 hd159743 06:05 cal2 = hd163955 (other cal by mistake) 545um / 3450um 50 / 50 / 50 ?? mwc275 3 fringes are there but not overlaped often... 06:27 hd163955 06:36 mwc275 388um / 3460um ?? hd163955 06:50 mwc275 400um / 3440um 50 / 60 / 50 much better 3 fringes now... (higher elevation) 07:05 hd163955 change REF NIRO ALIGN 07:15 hd163955 07:?? mwc275 443um / 3432um 70 / 70 / 70 07:30 hd159743 07:?? mwc275 07: 50 hd163955 move on to next target2 = v1295aql = hd190073 NIRO align NIRO NONDEST 750Hz MEDSCAN 08:20 cal1 = hd188385 -240um / 2711um 50 / 50 / 40 nice seeing 08:?? v1295aql 08:45 hd188385 -225um / 2723um 50 / 50 / 40 08:55 v1295aql 09:10 hd189509 -205um / 2662um 09:20 v1295aql 09:35 hd188385 -150um / 2740um 09:45 v1295aql lost delay on last 40 scans... change REF 10:00 hd188385 -110um / 2700um 40 / 40 / 40 10:?? v1295aql 10:30 hd188385 40 / 30 / 40 we seem to have lost some flux NIRO align out of delay on cals and target... done. --- Summary: E1E2W1 HD142666: 3 brackets mwc275: 6 brackets v1295 aql: 5 brackets ---