2011 June 11-18 Program CL4 Telescopes: E1-E2-W1-W2 POP setup: 1- 3- 1- 5 the given times are local time and have been computed for 2011 Jun 17, please use mircplan to get precise times for a given night. the general strategy is to focus on objects, where we have already some data and then to merge in some new objects, if there is a time gap (and good conditions, which allows us to acquire V=10...12 objects). === Configuration E1-W1-W2, POP115, provides also long baselines and covers wider range of PA: HD142666 21.0-22.5 (or AS205A 21.0-22.8, V=12.0, with good conditions!) (or HD141569 21.0-22.7, V=7.0) HD150193 21.2-23.2 (=MWC863) HD163296 22.2- 0.5 HD179218 0.1- 2.4 (=MWC614) HD190073 0.9- 3.1 (=V1295Aql) (or HD344361 0.4- 2.8, V=10.5, with good conditions =WW Vul) MWC340 1.3- 4.3 (or HD193793 1.3- 4,4 =WR140 as backup) MWC1080 3.7- 5.2 (V=11.6!) (or HD200775 1.2- 5.2 =MWC361 as backup) LkHa234 2.0- 5.2 (V=11.9!) === Configuration E1-E2-W2, POP135, provides quite good radial sampling of visibility function towards similar PA with intermediate baseline lengths: HD142666 21.0-22.5 (or AS205A 21.0-22.9, V=12.0, with good conditions!) (or HD141569 21.0-22.9, V=7.0) HD150193 21.2-23.2 (=MWC863) HD163296 22.2- 0.5 HD179218 23.4- 2.9 (=MWC614) (or HD190073 0.0- 3.4, V=7.2, =V1295Aql) MWC340 0.9- 5.2 (or V1977Cyg 1.3- 5.2, V=10.9, with good conditions!) (or MWC1080 3.7- 5.2, V=11.6, with good conditions!) (or LkHa234 2.0- 5.2, V=11.9, with good conditions!) (or HD200775 1.2- 5.2 =MWC361 as backup) === Configuration E2-W1-W2, POP 315 HD142666 21.0-22.7 HD141569 21.0-22.9 (or AS205A 21.0-23.0, V=12.0, with good conditions) HD150193 21.2-23.5 (=MWC863) HD163296 22.2- 0.7 HD179218 23.5- 2.5 (=MWC614) MWC340 0.3- 4.2 MWC1080 1.0- 5.2 (V=11.6!) (or LkHa234 22.9- 5.2, V=11.9 with good conditions (or HD200775 22.2- 5.2 =MWC361 as backup)