2012-11-28 (UT) =========== Program: CL5 (T Tauri Objects, PI: Millan-Gabet et al.) Observers: Rafael, Chris CLIMB K-band S1S2E1E2W1W2 / POPs 3 1 3 3 2 5 start: beams 1 2 3 = S2 E2 W2(REF) / POPs 135 mostly clear ut 01:30 hd432 NIRO Align find offsets: NIRO LONGSCAN 750Hz DEST ut 01:40 hd222218 cal +7398um / +640um counts ~ NIRO crash, repeat ut 01:50 hd222218 cal counts ~ 90 ut 02:14 target mwc1080 = CHARA 320081 NSUM = 5 faint V~12 not finding fringes - wrong star? verified sky positions get fringe offsets on closer star ut 02:27 hd220102 check +7460um / + ut 02:35 hd222218 cal +7500um / +967um ut 02: mwc1080 = CHARA 320081 still no fringes this was right through transit so maybe bad tracking? rechecked pointing by going to check star ... searched fringes again +-1cm several times ... no luck. ----------------- change to: S1E1W1 / POPs 342 ----------------- check star hd17573 NIRO Align ut 03:45 fringe offsets: S1 -2140um / E1 -3780um ut 03:55 -2080um / -3720um ut 04:05 hd20671 early cal K=7.0 -2190um / -3890um counts ~ 25 - NIRO 500Hz LONGSCAN ==> expect ~20 counts on BPTau @ 250Hz, will be hard. NIRO 250Hz NONDEST LONGSCAN ut 04:30 hd28417 cal K=7.4 counts ~ 10-20 low SNR can't really see the fringes. we must be at the limiting mag of CLIMB. give up on bp tau. NIRO 500Hz NONDEST MEDSCAN ut 04:55 hd31706 cal -2550um / -4060um counts ~ 50 seeing mediocre ... ut 05:10 target SU Aur = hd282624 -2330um / -3955um counts ~ 70 ut 05:21 hd32480 cal -2400um / -4020um counts ~ 70 ut 05:35 SU Aur = hd282624 -2144um / -3870um counts ~ 50-90 ut 05:50 hd31706 cal -2210um / -3880um counts 30-60 NIRO Align move REF ut 06:04 hd31706 cal -2100um / -3845um counts ~ 30-60 ut 06:15 SU Aur = hd282624 ut 06:34 hd32480 cal now we are in a band of thin clouds ... wait. move REF ut 07:05 SU Aur = hd282624 -1518um / -3108um seeing seems to be degrading ... fluxes drifted NIRO Align ut 07:30 hd32480 cal out of delay on SU Aur. ----------------- change to: S1E1W1 / POPs 315 ----------------- NIRO Align ut 08:20 hd32480 cal -1400um / -2700um counts ~ 40-60 ut ?? SU Aur = hd282624 seeing seems better ... ut 08:48 hd32480 cal -1370um / -2590um counts ~ 50-60 ut 08:55 SU Aur = hd282624 -1360um / -2550um counts ~ 60 ut 09:10 hd33252 cal -1380um / -2590um counts ~ 50-70 ut 09:16 SU Aur = hd282624 ut 09:27 hd32480 cal -1520um / -2690um counts ~ 30-50 change to MWC758 move REF NIRO Align NIRO 750Hz NONDEST MEDSCAN ut 09:48 hd33252 cal -1590um / -2718um counts ~ 30-40 ut ?? target mwc758 = hd36112 did not find fringes ... check cal again ut 10:05 hd33252 cal -1680um / -2710um counts ~ 50-60 ut 10:20 mwc758 = hd36112 only see the W1S1 fringes offset: -1670um saved some data. change NIRO rate 500Hz can't even see the W1S1 fringe now ... change NIRO back to 750Hz ut 10:49 hd33252 cal ----------------- change to: S2E2W2 / POPs 215 ----------------- hd48737 check star NIRO Align NIRO 750Hz NONDEST MEDSCAN ut 11:30 hd47575 cal +7800um / +2650um counts ~ 50 ut 11:42 target mwc147 = hd259431 +7835um / +2800um counts ~ 40 ut ?? hd45638 cal ut 12:02 mwc147 = hd259431 +7796um / +2970um ut ?? hd47575 cal ut 12:30 mwc147 = hd259431 lower flux ... +7765um / +3200um ut 12:50 hd45638 cal had to NIRO Align because did not have enough flux ... -------- Summary: -------- S2E2W25: + MWC 1080: no fringes found … strange. S1E1W1: + BP Tau: too faint for CLIMB (K=7.7). + SU Aur: 4 brackets (pre-transit). + MWC758: fringes only on S1W1. S2E2W2: + MWC147: 3 brackets. ---