UT 2012-07-29 ============= CHARA/CLIMB B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 S2 E2 W1 E1 W2 S1: POP 5 S2: POP 5 E1: POP 1 E2: POP 1 W1: POP 4 W2: POP 5 Seeing: poor (r_0=5 cm) *** S2-E2-W1 UT 04:29 - hd144585 (CAL for AS205A) recording LONG, 750 Hz, DEST UT 05:20 - AS205A doing NIRO alignment recording LONG, 500 Hz, DEST all three fringes clearly there, but they jump a lot (high airmass, 30 deg) good data recording LONG, 500 Hz, NON-DES UT 05:58 - hd145917 (CAL for AS205A) faint! can only find one fringe, which is noisy UT 06:15 - hd144585 (CAL for AS205A) saturates in NON-DEST, put in aperture wheel 1/4 recording LONG, 500 Hz, NON-DES take out aperture wheel recording LONG, 500 Hz, DEST (only Beam 1-2 = S2-E2 fringe there, elevation 25 deg) UT 06:35 - hd158646 (CAL at similar elevation as AS205A) (CHECK NAME AGAIN IN HEADER, LIKELY WRONG HD NUMBER) recording LONG, 500 Hz, DEST (only Beam 1-2 = S2-E2 fringe there, elevation 25 deg) all fringes there, but beam 2-3 and 3-1 in the first 100 scans or so very bad; improves then UT 06:55 - hd173113 (CAL for VV Ser) doing NIRO alignment recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST, aperture wheel 1/2 UT 07:20 -VV Ser recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST (during the initial beam sequence, beam 1=S2 was lost) all 3 fringes there, but low SNR S2 tip-tilt drops out frequently UT 08:00 - hd173113 (CAL for VV Ser) recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST, aperture wheel 1/4 UT 08:20 - VV Ser doing NIRO alignment recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST, abort since aperture wheel was still in aperture wheel out find only fringe on beam 2-3 recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST, lost beam 2-3 fringe, abort *** S2-E1-W2 (POP 1-1-5) change POP on S2 to 1 UT 09:00 - hd194708 (CAL for MWC340) cannot find fringes UT 09:30 - hd194193 (bright fringe finder) cannot find fringes rehoming carts W2 was off UT 10:00 - another fringe finding star UT 10:20 - hd199373 (CAL for V1057 Cyg) recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST UT 10:45 - V1057 Cyg problem with E2 during acquisition, have to give since won't make it before we run out of delay UT 11:00 - hd216425 recording LONG, 750 Hz, DEST UT 11:15 - MWC1080 problem with E1 acquisition system (cannot change contrast) find only the crossfringe recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST, only beam 1-3 and noisy, maybe useless UT 12:00 - closing down