UT 2012-07-31 ============= CHARA/CLIMB B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 S2 E2 W1 S1 E1 W2 S1: POP 5 S2: POP 5 E1: POP 1 E2: POP 1 W1: POP 4 W2: POP 5 poor conditions, clouds moving in *** S2-E2-W2 UT 04:15 - hd145518 doing NIRO alignment recording LONG, 750 Hz, NONDEST UT 04:40 - AS205A seeing not good (5 cm) recording LONG, 750 Hz, NONDEST all fringes there, but a bit noisy (medium) due to poor conditions UT 05:05 - hd148198 recording LONG, 750 Hz, NONDEST lower number of frames, since guiding on all telescopes was lost during data recording, reacquired star shortly before beam sequence clouds are moving in UT 05:20 - AS205A recording LONG, 750 Hz, NONDEST, lower quality than before UT 05:35 - hd145518 recording LONG, 750 Hz, NONDEST UT 05:50 - hd150698 (CAL for MWC863) doing NIRO alignment recording LONG, 750 Hz, NONDEST UT 06:00 - MWC863 cannot find fringes, counts too low due to clouds UT 06:20 - hd167768 recording LONG, 750 Hz, NONDEST clouds, so we cannot go to target MWC297 UT 06:40 - hd177305 recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST UT 06:55 - MWC614 recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST, good UT 07:05 - hd177305 recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST UT 07:20 - MWC614 recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST UT 07:30 - hd181253 recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST *** S2-E1-W2 UT 08:30 - hd194708 recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST UT 08:45 - MWC340 found fringes, started data acquisitions, but then clouds moved in have to wait... recording LONG, 500 Hz, NONDEST all fringes there, but they move a lot and are quite noisy clouds moving in again... have to stop end of night