UT 2010-Jul-20 ============== Program CL3, PI Kraus Observers: Fabien, Chris CHARA/CLIMB TEL E1-W1 POP 1 5 BEAM B5-B6 REF CART W1 Starting LT 19 July 2010, 20:30 Weather: clear r0 = 9 cm, low piston MWC340( chara 320079) cal 194708 cal 195988 20:35 NIRO crash - restart 21:43 Chris and Theo fixed the W1 pointing issue Attempting MWC863 22:00 NIRO align done trying to find fringes on 7 Sco 22:08 found -25090 going to HD150366 22:15 recording at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.59 Sum:65 22:17 -24980 22:26 switching to target MWC863 -25045 recording at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.17 Sum:100 22:37 -25078 switching to cal 150698 recording at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.49 Sum:65 sequence stopped before end to get MWC863 in time switching to target MWC863 22:48 -25210 23:03 recording at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.15 Sum:45 -25254 piston getting worse and/or crossing a null stopped because running out of delay r0 = 7 cm Attempting MWC614 23:40 NIRO align on HD178568 waiting for delay on E1 23:50 scanning for fringes on HD178568 found at -21190 23:55 recording at 250Hz/LONG/DEST -- to discard Vis:0.41 Sum:50 0:00 -21280 0:06 -21358 switching to MWC614 VME crashed - Chris goes to reboot it 0:30 rehoming carts have to redo cal to double check (as there were lost ticks on VME) -21725 took opportunity to do niro align on target, as I could not find fringes recording at 250Hz/LONG/DEST Vis:0.71 (much better align !) Sum:60 0:42 -21830 0:49 -21908 switching to MWC614 0:54 recording at 250Hz/LONG/DEST -21766 Sum:75 Vis:0.195 1:00 -21868 1:10 switching to cal 178568 -22250 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG piston is getting worse, r0 decreased to 6cm Vis:0.5 Sum:55 1:19 -22227 switching to MWC614 1:30 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG -22243 Vis:0.18 Sum:80 piston even worse, getting to <6cm 1:43 -22380 1:44 switching to cal HD177305 1:47 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG -22310 Vis:0.44 Sum:75 2:00 -22433 Attempting MWC340 2:00 NIRO align on gamma Cyg problem of acquisition/finder disalignment niro align on HD194708 2:25 scanning for fringes found offset -19115 2:31 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG -- to discard Vis:0.57 Sum:160 better r0 = 10 cm and much better piston 2:38 -19187 2:43 -19250 diffcult to acquire mwc340 3:01 attempting to find fringes W1 is completely stuck Chris going to unstuck it at the lab still stuck NIRO crash 3:29 solved -19800 retaking calibrator recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.57 Sum:160 3:46 -19880 3:49 switching to MWC340 -20147 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.23 Sum:130 3:57 -20194 4:01 -20230 switching to cal HD194708 4:05 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.58 Sum:150 4:12 -20016 4:17 -20040 4:19 switching to MWC340 recording fringes at 250Hz/DEST/LONG -20260 Vis:0.21 Sum:130 4:26 -20300 4:32 -20300 4:33 switching to calibrator HD195988 -20181 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.53 Sum:120 4:47 -20224 problem acquiring the star ! had to init again on gamma cyg 5:05 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG -20290 Vis:0.20 Sum:100 5:17 switching quickly to cal but W1 server crashed end of the night Summary -------- 2 brackets (minus last cal) on MWC863 2 brackets on MWC614 3 brackets on MWC340