UT 2010-Jul-19 ============== Program CL3, PI Kraus Observers: Fabien, Chris CHARA/CLIMB TEL S1-W1 POP 1 3 BEAM B5-B6 REF CART S1 Starting LT 18 July 2010, 20:30 Weather: clear r0 = 9 cm 20:30 starting temporary problem with telescope being lost had to go to the telescopes and realign on VEGA manually 22:10 solved, starting again 22:20 aligning niro 22:25 W1 crashed and cannot restart the server -> probably rebooting ? waiting 5 minutes for reboot - going to reboot it 22:30 now lost contact with NIRO - restarting it 23:02 found offset -8105 cal 194708 23:05 -8300 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Sum: 150 Vis: 0.43 23:10 -8452 switching to MWC340 weird bug with S1 apparently not finding the offset 23:26 recording fringes at 250Hz/DEST/LONG -8748 Sum: 133 Vis: 0.09 23:30 -8850 23:34 -8860 23:39 -8900 23:44 cal 194708 -8973 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Vis: 0.37 Sum: 130 23:51 -8981 23:56 -9080 switching to MWC340 0:11 -10000 ??? hard to find weird flash during first shutter sequnce going back to cal to check offsets found -9300 0:28 finally found them again -9438 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.08 Sum: 100 0:34 -9515 0:40 switching to calibrator HD195988 NIRO crash 0:59 -9653 recording at 250Hz/DEST/LONG Vis:0.47 Sum:110 piston is getting *much* better 1:06 -9700 1:11 -9750 trouble acquiring the star 1:23 checking on cal, -9953 cannot find fringes need to move carts by +40 lost ticks -> resync (explains why no fringes on target) 1:58 quick check to see if fringes on target -> no switching to calibrator 194708 lost ticks again homing carts, but they were ok PAVO also lost their fringes, but apparently got them back with a small offset 3:42 no fringes since resync gps debug on ome And found fringes no delay on target now Bad mistake, pressed init while the command queue was apparently still running :-( -> need to realign W1 Summary -------- 2 brackets on MWC340 lots of problems Summary -------