UT 12 June 2013 CHARA/CLIMB - CL10 - PI: Millan-Gabet et al. Observers: Norm, Rafael, Ming up here too. Configuration: beams 1-2(REF)-3 = S1-W2-W1 POPs 4-5-1: starting configuration beams 1-2(REF)-3 = S2-W2-E1 POPs 1-5-4: backup configuration 20:00 local = ut 03:00 - still bright outside. some clouds. 20:30 check star HD141513 NIRO align 21:00 closer check star HD144217 (warning: spec binary) NIRO align s1 offset +565um w1 offset +4200um 22:00 trying to see if we can TT-lock on AS205A (V=15) succeeded - 10msec / NSUM 20 / ~100000 counts on TT. NIRO 500Hz / NONDEST / MEDSCAN 22:21 cal1 = HD144766 offsets +132um / +3200um decent data, seeing OK. 22:45 target AS205A / CHARA ID = 320093 got the fringes, not tracking super-well ... 10-20 counts +300um / +3200um fringes not well overlapped most of the time ... 23:00 cal1 = HD144766 -118um / +2800um counts ~ 50 but then fluctuating a lot 5-50 we don't know why... we don't seem to be in a cloud... we finished data sequence, but lots of low flux data... check NIRO align - HD144217 needed some alignment 23:30 repeat cal1 = HD144766 -200um / +2700um counts ~ 50 23:50 target AS205A / CHARA ID = 320093 10-20 counts +30um / +2500um no fringes very often... aborted, not sure S1 is on fringe... TT GUI not updating for some reason... comm stopped. still not seeing fringes reliably, this is going to be a pain... ABORT. new target = mwc275 = HD163296 NIRO align - HD163955 NIRO 750Hz / NONDEST / SHORTSCAN 00:40 cal1 = HD163955 +66um / +3200um 100-150 counts a teenie winnie saturation on W2W1... problem with TT comm again... 01:00 target = mwc275 = HD163296 cal2 = HD170622 -100um / +3000um 01:40 target = mwc275 = HD163296 clouds... not taking data 02:00 NIRO align HD163955 02:05 cal1 = HD163955 -260um / +2800um 02:15 target = mwc275 = HD163296 -300um / +2700um 02:25 cal2 = HD170622 clouds... clouds gone... -228um / +2800um 02:40 target = mwc275 = HD163296 02:45 cal2 = HD170622 -300um / +2700um 02:50 target = mwc275 = HD163296 crappy fringes... elevation getting low again... abort new target = v1295aql = HD190073 NIRO ALIGN HD187059 NIRO 500Hz / NONDEST / SHORTSCAN 03:10 cal1 = HD190498 +240um / +2040um counts ~ 60-100 03:45 target = v1295aql = HD190073 counts ~ 100 +270um / +1800um 03:50 cal2 = HD188385 +200um / +1700um 04:05 target = v1295aql = HD190073 clouds... 04:35 clouds... out of delay... --- Summary: S1-W2-W1 AS205A: 1 bracket MWC275: 4 brackets v1295Aql: 1 bracket ---