2006Aug: JDM Update 2007Jun: MZ Update 2009May: GHS Update 2010Jan: Updates by XC, MZ, and GHS 2010Jun: GHS Update This file will contain brief summary of runs, who participated, and what objects were observed using CHARA_MIRC. The companion file MIRC_Target_History for this information organized differently. --------------------------------------------- 2006 June 9-2006 Jun 27 MIRC Science Run Observers: Monnier, Pedretti, Thureau, Tannirkulam, Zhao Config: W1(2)-W2(5)-S1(2)-S2(3) 2006Jun10 - 2006Jun11 - 2006Jun12 - 2006Jun13 - 2006Jun14 - 2006Jun15 - 2006Jun16 - 2006Jun17 Alp Sge (Cal), Eta Aql (1) 2006Jun18 Alp Oph, Alp Sge (Cal), Eta Aql 2006Jun19 Eta Aql, Ksi Peg (Cal, only 3 T) 2006Jun20 Alp CrB, Zeta Oph (Cal), Alp Oph, Alp Sge (Cal), Zeta Aql, Eta Aql 2006Jun21 Alp CrB, Gam Ser (cal), Alp Oph, Zeta Oph (Cal), Zeta Aql, Eta Aql ---------------------------------------------------------- 2006 August 19-Sep 2 MIRC Science Run Observers: Monnier, Pedretti, Tannirkulam, Zhao Problem: MIRC control computer needed restored from scratch after major backup failure. CHARA Lab turbo pump 1 week late. ---------------------------------------------------------- 2006Aug19-23 See NIRO Information Config: S2(1)-E2(2)-W1(3)-W2(4) 2006Aug24 - 2006Aug25 - 2006Aug26 Alf And (Engineering data) 2006Aug27 Iota Peg, Ups Peg (Cal), Alp Peg 2006Aug28 Alp Oph, Ups Peg (Cal), Alp Peg 2006Aug29 Alp Oph, Gam Lyr (Cal), Iota Peg, Alp Peg, Ups Peg, (Cal), Alp And -- Installed flux modulators on all beams. -- 2006Aug30 Alp Oph, Gam Lyr (Cal), Tau Cyg, Alp Peg 2006Aug31 Alp Oph, Gam Lyr (Cal), Altair, Iota Peg, Ups Peg (Cal), Alp Peg, Zet And 2006Sep01 Gam Lyr (Cal), Altair, Altair (w2-w1 K band), Alp And (Kshort), Ups Peg (Kshort, Cal) ** first K band data ** 2006Sep02 Gam Lyr (Cal), Iota Peg, Alp Peg, Ups Peg (Cal), Zet And (!!) -------------------------------------------- UT 2006 Oct 2-16 Observers: Dave Berger (Oct 1-8), John Monnier (Oct 2-16), Ming Zhao (Oct 2-16), Ettore Pedretti (Oct 2-16), Nathalie Thureau (Oct 2-16) Baselines: S2-E2-W1-W2 2006Oct02 - (niro offsets/poor weather) 2006Oct03 - (poor weather) 2006Oct04 - (last niro offset/poor weather) 2006Oct05 Gamma Cas, Zet Per (Cal) 2006Oct06 Alp Cep, NO CAL. [bad weather/seeing] 2006Oct07 - (poor weather) 2006Oct08 Zeta Per (CAL), NO SCIENCE TARGETS [mostly chara problems] 2006Oct09 Alp Cep (3T only), Pi Peg (CAL), Gam Cas, Ups And (CAL), Gam Cas, Zet Per (CAL), Algol 2006Oct10 Pi Peg (CAL), Gam Cas (only 8 files before clouds!) 2006Oct11 Bet Lyr, Alp Cep, Ups And (CAL), Algol, Del Cas, Zet Per (Cal), Algol ** spooler data glitches for Bet Lyr and first set of Alp cep 2006Oct12 Alp Cep, Pi Peg (CAL), Algol, Zet Per (CAL) * mostly closed due to dust. 2006Oct13 - (Fog) 2006Oct14 - (100% humidity) 2006Oct15 - (100% humidity) 2006Oct16 Bet Lyr, Alp Cep, Tau Cyg, Pi Peg (CAL), Gam Cas, Del Can, Ups And (CAL), Algol (3Tel!) Seeing so bad we can't track. Took some H-band Low Grism data on algol for test --------------------------------------------------------- UT 2007 Apr 29 -- May 15 Observers: Ming Zhao (Apr 24-May 15), John Monnier (Apr 24-May 7), Ajay Tannirkulam (Apr 24-May 7), Ettore Pedretti (Apr 29-May 15), Nathalie Thureau (Apr 29-May 15), Peter Tuthill (Apr 26 - Apr 29) Config: S1-E1-W1-W2 (Apr 29- May 12) S2-E2-W1-W2 (May 13, 14, Pop: 1435) 2007Apr29: -- (Power outage knocked out first 5 hours), NIRO offsets successful. 2007Apr30: -- First MIRC fringes of run. No science data due to poor seeing and poorer than expected image quality. 2007May01: [bad seeing] Spica (S1-W1-W2 -- no E1), Zet Oph (CAL), Alp Oph (failed), Del Aql (3-tel, no matrix due to clouds) 2007May02: [horrible seeing].. could not get enough flux into fibers for observing.. Visually observed Jupiter on W2 instead. 2007May03: Fog. 2007May04: Very very bad seeing. 2007May05: clouds 2007May06: Open up to poor seeing. Then high winds >30 mph + dust closed us [+another power outage!] 2007May07: changed POP for E2. Found NIRO offset. seeing poor, but worth a try. Zet Oph (TINY bit of 4-tel data), Del Aql (really little 3- tel data...) 2007May08: Bad seeing. SPica(S1-W1-W2 fringes, no E1), Zet Oph (cal). NOTE: Spica has differnt NReads from Zet Oph (Cal) !!! 2007May09: Didn't open due to fire in LA, smoke and ash on Mt Wilson. 2007May10: Start late because of ash from the fire. Missed Spica. very good seeing. Bet Lib(nice data), Del Sco (S1-W1-W2, no E1), Zet Oph (cal), Alf Oph (S1 & E1 tiptilt oscillate crazily), Ups Sgr( a few 4-T fringes, E1-W1-W2, and S1-W1-W2), Tau Aql (cal). Good night!!! 2007May11: Closed due to "ash". But later in the 2nd half of the night there was indeed ash everywhere from the fire on Catalina Island. 2007May12: Good seeing. Spica (S1-W1-W2, no E1), Del Sco (4-T fringes), Zet Oph (cal), Alf Oph (3-T and 4-T), 72 OPh (cal, bad data quality due to clouds), Ups Sgr (very faint data due to clouds, bad quality), Del Aql, Tau Aql (cal) 2007May13: Started late due to problems on delay lines and telescopes. 72 Oph (cal), Ups Sgr (S1-W1-W2 data, E1-W1-W2 data), Del Aql, Tau Aql(cal) 2007May14: No data. Switched to inner-west (S2-E2-W1-W2) and to Ks band. Has problems in switching. Found offsets using NIRO in one and half hours. But later on couldn't find fringes on MIRC. 2007May15: No data. Put the slit in, but it was worse than without slit. So went to sky without slit. Found fringes on E2-W2, but not on the other two baselines. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2007July Run Observers: Ming Zhao (Jun 28 - Jul 14), John Monnier (Jun 28-Jul 11), Jun Blum (Jul 6 -Jul 14), Antoine Merand (random) Config: S1(1)-E1(3)-W1(1)-W2(5) Prime targets this run: Bet Lyr (PI Gies), 61 Cyg a/b (PI: Merand), Zeta/Ups And (PI:UMICH) ** IMPLEMENTED synchronized chopping with new chopper blades v2.0 (6mm thick, six vanes) ** Alsos ped up to 55,65,75,85 Hz. 2007Jul02: NIRO offsets successful. Got MIRC data on: Iota Peg, Ups And (cal+Target) 2007Jul03: Great seeing (at beginning.. got worse by the end). Beta Lyr, Gam Lyr (CAL), 61 Cyg A, 61 Cyg B, 61 Cyg A, Ups Peg (CAL), Zet And (3T only..), Ups And (target/CAL) 2007Jul04: gReat seeing. Beta Lyr, Gam Lyr (CAL), HD 174881 (3T only, boden binary), 60 Cyg B, Ups Peg (Cal), Zet And (4 tel!!), Ups And (target/cal) ** NOTE.. the webdaq crashed sometime during the 61 Cyg B data set. We restarted it AFTER the Zet And set (for ups and). Wrote a new flat field option (10000 get,10001 reset,10002 switch) 2007Jul05: Fourth of July: celebrating our independence!! VEGA (4 tel!!!!!! !!), Sig Cyg (CAL), Deneb, Tau Cyg, Ups Peg (CAL), Zeta And (CAL) 2007Jul06: bad seeing and bad internet problems caused data loss and some header problems. Bet Lyr, Gam Lyr (CAL), 61 Cyg A, 61 Cyg B (mostly just 3T), Ups Peg (CAL), Zet And 2007Jul07: decent to good seeing. lost a few data files.. Bet Lyr, HD 174881 (Boden Binary), Gam Lyr (CAL), Sigma Cyg (CAL), 61 Cyg B, Ups Peg (CAL), HD 224930 (Farrington Binary), Zet And 2007Jul08: seeing bad at beginning but got fine. Vega (poor), Gam Lyr (CAL), 61 Cyg A, 61 Cyg B, Ups Peg (CAL), Alp And, Ups And (LONG SET) 2007Jul09: good seeing, but W2 image quality VERY poor..? Bet Lyr, Gam Lyr (CAL), 61 Cyg B, 61 Cyg A, Ups Peg (CAL), Zet And 2007Jul10: clouds 2007Jul11: Cloudy at the first half of the night. Ups Peg (cal), Zet And 2007Jul12: Bet Lyr, Gam Lyr (cal), 61 Cyg A, Sig Cyg (cal), Alf And, Zet And 2007Jul13: Vega, gam Lyr (cal), Sig Cyg (cal), Omi And, Zet And (3T). Had serious OPEL problems at the begining and end of the night, preventing us from getting data on Iot Peg, Zet And 4T, and Ups And. 2007Jul14: Cloudy. Tried Bet Lyr but no data. -=------------------------------------------------------------- 2007Jul-Aug Run Observers: John Monnier (Jul 24-30), Dave Berger (Jul 28-Aug 2), Ming Zhao (Jul 29 - Aug 13), Matt Anderson (Aug 2-Aug 13), Lazslo Kiss (Jul 24-30) Config 1: S2(1)-E2(4)-W(2)-W2(5) 2007Jul27: Lots of chara problems and some crashes. Got niro offsets. Del Cas (4T), NO CAL. 2007Jul28: Refocused S2, E2. could find fringes (except w1-w2) on AZ Cyg. found 3-t fringe on Sig Cyg (save 3t data but no shutter matrix), HD9022 (CAL) (4T), Del Cas (4T), T Per (4T, KISS OBJECT !) 2007Jul29: Zet Dra (4T, CAL), AW Cyg(W1-W2 only), AZ Cyg (3T, E2-W1-W2) then clouds. Ups And (4T), T Per (4T). 2007Jul30: Zet Dra (CAL), AZ Cyg (a liitle 4T, mostly 3T), Omi And, Ups And, HD 14488 (3T & 4T) 2007Jul31: Zet Dra (CAL), AZ Cyg (nice 4T), Omi And, 37 And (cal), HD 14488 (4T, no shutter data!) 2007Aug01: Zet Dra (cal), AZ Cyg (nice), Gam Cas 2007Aug02: Zet Dra (CAL), Deneb, Sig Cyg (CAl), HD 14488, Upa And (CAL) 2007Aug03: Vega (Mostly S2-W1-W2, a little 4T), Deneb, Sig Cyg (CAL), Gam Cas, Phi Per, Ups And (CAL) 2007Aug04: Vega (little 4T, mostly S2-W1-W2). NO CALIBRATOR !!! closed due to ash and clouds later on. 2007Aug06: Vega (some bad data, no shutter due to OPEL problems). Phi Per, Ups And (CAL, one long set with 240 files) Config 2: S1(1)-E1(3)-W1(2)-W2(5) 2007Aug07: 7 And (CAL), Bet Cas, Phi Per 2007Aug08: Sig Cyg (CAL), 7 And (CAL), Bet Cas, Gam Cas (3T, E1-W1-W2), Phi Per, 16 Per 2007Aug09: Del Cyg (3T, S1-W1-W2), Sig Cyg (3T, cal), Gam Cas (S1-E1-W1-W2 !, nice), 37 And (CAL), 16 Per, Phi Per 2007Aug10: Sig Cyg (CAL), Omi And, Bet Cas, Gam Cas (4T!!), 37 And (CAl), Phi Per, 16 Per 2007Aug11: del Cyg, 7 And (CAL), Gam Cas (4T, 2 nice sets), 37 And (CAL), Bet Tri (high contrast binary condidate) 2007Aug12: Iot Cyg, Sig Cyg (CAL), Omi And, 37 And (CAL), Gam Cas (4T long set), Ups And (2 long sets), Gam Tri (CAL) 2007Aug13: Sig Cyg (CAL), Tau Cyg (CAL), 7 And (CAL), Bet Cas, Ups And, Gam Tri (cal, no shutter) ------------------------------- 2007 Sep and Oct MIRC run Observers: John Monnier (Sep 23), Rob Parks (Sep 23 - Sep 26) Ming Zhao (Sep 23 - Sep 26; Oct2-Oct9) Phil Murhead (Oct05- Oct9) Part one: UT Sep 24 - Sep 27 Config: S1-E1-W1-W2 POPs : 1 2 1 5 Notes: A very terrible run with all sorts of problems. we had essentially no useful data for this part. 1. We didn't have full night support from CHARA except the first night, although Nils and Chris helped so much. Things would go much smoother if there was a night assitant to help. 2. E1 does not have vaccume for the whole period. 3. E1 metrology failed on 3 nights out of four, although Bob made a lot of efforts to improve it during daytime. We lost the the 2nd night to get the offset for E1. the 3rd night we had only 30m baseline usable for E1. On the fourth night E1 failed right after the home switch after midnight. 4. While it is much better than W1, S1 probably had some problem with metrology and lost cart position a couple of times. 5. We had wieird problems with W1 and couldn't find fringes on the last night. We thought through all possibilities we could think of but still had no luck. 6. W1 dome jammed sue to sagging, which prevented us from our last try to find fringes. --> No calibrator data taken! 2007Sep24: Cloudy at the beginning, then foggy, 100% humidity. 2007Sep25: Found offsets for S1, W1. No e1 due to metrology problem. 2007sep26: 3T data on Zet tau. No calibrator. Started with trouble b/c had no assitant. Got remote help from John and later on got help from Chris. Found offset for E1. Focused fibers. 2007Sep27: A little 3T data on Lam And. But no calibrator. Tired many targets but had difficulties to find fringes for w1. E1 metrology failed after midnight. W1 dome stuck at the end of the night. Part Two: UT Oct 4 - Oct 7 Config: S1-E1-W1-W2 POPs : 2 2 1 5 2007Oct04: 3T only on all targets. 37 And (cal), Algol, 16 Per, Zet Per (cal), Eta Aur(cal) 2007Oct05: Alf Peg. No calibrator. Raining later on. 2007Oct06: No data. seeing is too bad to get fringes. R0= <3cm 2007Oct07: No data. Bad seeing again. Ro~2cm. Can't find fringes. Part 3: UT Oct 8 - Oct 10 Config: S1-S2-E2-W2 POPs : 3 4 1 5 2007Oct08: No data due to metrology problems. Firstly REF signal, then UNK signal faded out very often. Lost carts positions frequently. 2007Oct09: 10 Tau (cal), Eps Eri (two nice sets), 10 Tau (cal). OPEL crashed 3 times. Had many carts problems. Problems solved when FLOUR stopped obs. 2007Oct10: Eps Aqr (cal, very bad data quality), Alp Peg, 10 Tau (cal), Eps Eri, 10 Tau (cal), HD 30652 (check star for Eps Eri), Eps Ori (cal) E2 cart was stuck many times. ----------------------------------------------------- 2007Nov10 - Dec01 Part 1: Teles : S2 E2 W1 W2 POPs : 1 1 3 5 Observer: Ettore, Ming, Gail (Zet Tau), Rafael (Tu Tau) 2007Nov11: Find offsets and focus. Zet Per (cal), Zet Tau 2007Nov12: Cloudy. No observation. 2007Nov13: Zet Per (cal), Zet Tau, Bet Aur 2007Nov14: Sig Cyg (cal), Alp Peg, EG And, Ups And (long set), Zet Per (cal),Zet Tau, Bet Aur. Ople crashes. 2007Nov15: Sig Cyg (cal , very bad seeing, can't track fringes, useless data), Phi Per, Zet Per (cal), TU Tau (4T), Eta Aur (cal), Bet Aur. Ople crashes.. 2007Nov16: Ups Peg (cal), EG And, Ups And (long set), Gam Tri (cal), TU Tau (4T), Eta Aur (cal), Bet Aur. Had problems talking to opel. Had to restart racks. Some stars' names are messed up. 2007Nov17: Sig Cyg (cal), Lam And, EG And, Ups And (long set, clouds), Zet Per (cal), TU Tau (clouds, 3T) Part 2: Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 2 3 1 5 Observer: Ettore, Ming 2007Nov18: Find offsets and focus. 16 Per, Eta Aur (cal), Zet Gem, Iot UMa, 38 Lyn 2007Nov19: Ups And, Zet Per (cal), Zet Tau, Eta Aur (cal), Zet Gem, Castor A, Zet Leo. Spooler crashed twice. 2007Nov20: Started late due to power outage. Ups And, Eta Tau, Zet Per (cal, bad seeing), Eta Aur (cal). Clouds. 2007Nov21: Eta Aur (cal), Zet Gem, Zet Leo, Tet Leo (cal), Bet Leo. Started late due to tiptilt problems. Ople crashes. 2007Nov22: Ups And, Eta Tau, Zet Per (cal), Bet Aur, Alp Gem A, Eta Leo (cal), Zet Leo, Tet Leo (cal), Bet Leo 2007Nov23: Gam Tri (cal), Algol, Eta Aur, Zet Gem, Castor A, Zet Leo, Tet Leo (cal), Del Leo Part 3: Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs: 4 1 1 5 Oberver: Ettore, Ming 2007Nov24 - Nov26: Power outage & clouds 2007Nov27: Eta Tau, no cals. Clouds. 2007Nov28: clouds 2007Nov29: Clear but bad seeing. Changed to new config. Looked for offsets. Eps Ori (cal), Zet Gem, Eta Leo (cal, bad quality), Regulus. 3T data only, can't find E1 fringes. 2007Nov30: Tried HR1099, but couldn't observe due to coulds. 2007Dec01: Rain 2007Dec02: High humidity 90-100% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008Aug16 - 2008Sep06 Part 1 : Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 1 3 2 5 Obsesrver: John, Ettore, Ming, Rob, Steve Ridgway 2008Aug16: Bet Tri, no cals 2008Aug17: Tet Cyg (cal), Lam And, 37 AND (CAL), Eps Per 2008Aug18: Gam Lyr (cal), RT Cyg (little 4T, mostly 3T), 7 And (cal), Lam And (long set), 37 And (cal), Zet Per (cal), Algol 2008Aug19: S Lac (3T only), 7 And (cal), Lam And, Alf Tri, Zet Per (cal), Algol 2008Aug20: 7 And (cal), Lam And, 37 And (cal), Algol, Eps Per 2008Aug21: Gam Lyr (cal), RT Cyg, 7 And (cal), Lam And, 37 And (cal), Alp Tri, Algol, Zet Per (cal), Eps Per Part 2: Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs: 3 1 2 5 Observer: John, Ettore, Ming, Gail, Rob, Steve 2008Aug22: Alf Peg, Gam Peg (cal), Zet And, Alf Tri, Zet Per (cal, BAD DATA) 2008Aug23: Gam Lyr (cal), Altair, Gam Peg (cal), Zet And, Eta tau, Nu tau (cal) 2008Aug24: Gam Lyr (cal), Altair, SW Peg, Alp Peg, Gam Peg (cal), Zet And, Gam Tri (cal), Eta Tau 2008Aug25: Gam Lyr (cal), Altair, SW Peg, Alp Peg, Gam Peg (cal), Zet And, ALf Tri, Zet Per (cal) 2008Aug26: Altair, SW Peg, Zet Peg (cal), Gam Peg (cal), Zet And, Eta Tau 2008Aug27: Zet Aql, SW Peg, Zet peg (cal), Gam Peg (cal), Zet And, ALf Tri, Zet Per (cal) 2008Aug28: Gam Lyr (cal), Altair, Alf Equ (a few 4T), Alp Peg, Gam Peg (cal), Zet And, Alp Tri, Zet Per (cal) 2008Aug29: Cloudy. Zet And (3T data, S1-W1-W2, S1-E1-W2), Eta Tau. Bad data on Zet Per, need to use Eta Tau as calibrator. 2008Aug30: Cloudy 2008Aug31: High humidity 2008Sep01: High Humidity 2008Sep02: Zet Aql, Alf Equ, Kap Peg (Both A and B, double fringe packets!!!) , Zet Peg (cal), Gam Peg (cal), Zet And (3 sets), Alf Tri, Eta tau, Zet Per (cal) Part 3: Teles: S2 E2 W1 W2 POPs: 1 3 3 5 Mode: Ks grism R~500 & H prism Observers: John, Ettore, Ming, Takajuki Kotani, PJ 2008Sep03: Switched to new mode. Ks Grism: Gam Cas, CS Cam (cal), Algol 2008Sep04: H prism: Theta Dra, Theta Cyg (cal), Omi Dra, CH Cyg (3T), 7 And (cal) Ks Grism: Gam Cas, CS Cam (cal) 2008Sep05: H prism: Theta Dra, Theta Cyg (cal), CH Cyg (3T), Sig Cyg (cal) Ks Grism: Gam Cas, CS Cam (cal) 2008Sep06: H prism: Theta Dra, Theta Cyg (cal), CH Cyg (3T), Polaris (2T) Ks Grism: Gam Cas, CS Cam (cal), Algol 2008Sep07: H prism: Theta Dra, Theta Cyg (cal), CH Cyg (3T), Sig Cyg (cal) Ks Grism: Gam Cas, CS Cam (cal), Algol ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008Sept17 - 2008Sep19 and 2008Sept24 - 2008Sept28 Config 1: Tels: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs: 1 3 2 5 Observers: Gail, PJ 2008Sept18: classic offsets found, then high humidity 2008Sept19: 7 And (cal), Gam Cas (4T + 3T), Zet Cas (4T + 3T), Phi Per (4T + 3T), Del Per (cal), Eps Aur (3T, 1 set) 2008Sept20: 7 And (cal), Lam And, Gam Cas (4T + 3T), Zet Cas (4T + 3T), Phi Per (4T + 3T), Del Per (cal) 2008Sept25: Sig Cyg (cal, 1 set), Cyg OB#12 (2T, 1 set), 7 And (cal), Gam Cas, Zet Cas (cal), Phi Per, Del Per (cal), 12 Cam (4T + 3T) Config 2: Tels: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs: 2 3 1 5 Observers: Yamina, Gail, PJ, Chris 2008Sept26: classic offsets, Zet Per (cal), Zet Tau (3 sets, 3T on first set then 4T), Sig Ori (2T), Tet Gem (cal) 2008Sept27: H prism: Cyg OB#12 (2T, 1 set), Sig Cyg (cal, 1 set, 3T), Lam And, 37 And (cal), Zet Per (cal), Zet Tau, Tet Gem (cal) set up for Ks prism, but no data taken (bad seeing) 2008Sept28: Sig Cyg (cal, 1 set, 2T), 7 And (cal), 37 And (cal), Eta Tau, Zet Per (cal), Zet Tau 2008Sept29: Passing clouds and fiber 4 sent to wrong position -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2008Nov04 - 2008Nov08 Config: Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 1 3 2 5 Observers: Ming, Xiao, PJ 2008Nov04: rain, cloudy 2008Nov05: No obesrvation. cloudy, windy 2008Nov06: Find offsets. Theta Gem (cal), Sig Gem (3T due to bad seeing), Zet Leo, 61 Uma (cal. sunrise). Daqsync data has no info. 2008Nov07: Very bad data quality due to bad seeing throughout the night. 37 And (cal), Eps per, Zet Per (cal), Eps Aur (3T), theta Gem (cal), Sig Gem (3T), Zet Leo, 61 Uma (cal, sunrise). Daqsync data has no info. 2008Nov08: Flat field. 37AND (CAL), Eps Per, Zet Per (cal), Eps Aur, Theta Gem (cal), Sig Gem, Zet Leo, 61 Uma (cal), Test data with various chopping speed. Daqsync data has no info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2008Dec02 - 2008Dec08 Config1 : Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 4 1 1 5 Observers: Gail, Ming Bob Stencel and Brian (student) from U Denver (Dec 03 - Dec 05) 2008Dec01: Chopper test data (without daq) 2008Dec02: Looked for offsets. Nu Tau (cal), Iot Ori, 1 gem (3T), Bet CMi, Theta Hya (cal), Regulus (cal), Theta Leo (cal) 2008Dec03: Very bad seeing. HR1099 (3T), Nu Tau (cal, 3T), Theta Hya (cal), Regulus, Theta Leo (cal) 2008Dec04: Cloud layers throughout the night. Data taken with clouds. HR1099 (3T), Nu Tau (cal), Lam Tau (3T), 54 Gem (cal), Regulus, Eta Leo (cal), Bet Leo 2008Dec05: Bad seeing too. Eps Ori (cal), Sig Ori (3T, useless quality data, too faint), Theta Hya (cal), Regulus, Theta Leo (cal) 2008Dec06: Fomalhaut (3t), HR 1099, Nu Tau (messed up with HR1099, target didn't change), Sig Ori, 1 Gem, Lam Gem (cal), Theta Hya (cal), Regulus, Theta Leo (cal), Bet Leo 2008Dec07: Cloudy, rain. New chopper test data and Flat Field. 2008Dec08: Very bad seeing. Barely kept the fringes. Regulus, Theta Leo (cal) UT 2008Dec09 - 2008Dec10 Config 2 : Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs: 1 2 1 5 2008Dec09: Seeing to bad to find fringes. R0=1-2cm. No data were taken. 2008Dec10: Zet per (cal), Eps Per, Zet Tau, Eps Aur, Sig gem, 15 LMi (cal), Del Leo, 61 UMa (cal) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Apr16 - 2009Apr19 Config: Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 1 1 2 5 Observers: Gail, PJ, Chris, Rob Parks (skype) 2009Apr16: No observations because of high winds and rising humidity. MIRC pick-off mirrors needed to be put back into beams. 2009Apr17: Late start because of bad seeing. Classic offsets found. 2009Apr18: Mirkwood and VME crashes interfered with observing. HR 4078 (cal, 2T), HR 6256 (cal,3T) 2009Apr19: HR 4783 (cal, no shutters), 28 Boo (cal, 1 set), del CrB (1 set), HR 6256 (cal), del CrB (3T, 1 set), gam Lyr (cal) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009May13 - 2009May15 Config: Teles: E1 E2 S1 S2 POPs : 2 3 1 2 Mode : H-band, R=150 Grism Observers: Fabien Malbet, Rafael, Gail, PJ, Chris 2009May13: Windy, bad seeing, found fringe offsets using MIRC at end of night. 2009May14: Bad seeing, high winds. kap CrB (useless, E1-E2, S1-S2 only) 2009May15: gamBoo (cal, data stopped at 36?), 28 Boo (cal), kap CrB (3 sets), HD 137719 (cal), kapCrB (3 data sets: ghost fringe on 1st?, cross-fringe drifted on 2nd?, 3rd is good) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009May16 - 2009May18 Config: Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 5 1 1 5 Observers: Yamina, Gail, PJ, Chris 2009May16: Classic offsets found. eps Aqr (cal, 1 set), alf Equ (1 set) 2009May17: HD 132150 (cal), del Sco, chi Oph, zet Oph, HR 6710 (cal), omi Her (2T), alf Equ 2009May18: Partly cloudy. TT occasionally lost track on stars. chi Oph (1 set), zet Oph (1 set), HR 6710 (cal), omi Her (3T), tet Cyg (cal,3T) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Jun23 - 2009Jun25 Config: Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 1 1 2 5 Observers: Rob Parks, Gail, Chris, PJ 2009Jun23: Found fringes using LowResGrism; HR 6256 (fringe finder), HR 7759 (fringe finder), sig Cyg (cal), omi And 2009Jun24: 9 CrB (cal), del CrB, theta CrB (3T), HR 6256 (cal), omi Her (3T), sig Cyg (cal), omi And 2009Jun25: Bad seeing, bad metrology signal on W2; HR 6256 (cal), omi Her -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Jul22 - 2009Jul24 Observers: Fabien Malbet, Rafael, Gail, PJ Config: Teles: E1 E2 W1 W2 POPs : 1 2 3 5 Mode: H-band low-res grism (R~150) 2009Jul22: HD 138852 (cal), Iota Dra 2009Jul23: HD 138852 (cal), Iota Dra, HD 138852 (cal) 2009Jul24: Iota Dra, HD 138852 (cal) Config: Teles: E1 E2 S1 S2 POPs : 1 2 5 5 Mode: H-band low-res grism (R~150) 2009Jul22: HD 217264 (cal, 3T) 2009Jul23: HD 219449 (3T), HD 217264 (cal) 2009Jul24: HD 219449, HD 222368 (cal) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Aug10 - 2009Aug22 Observers: John, Xiao, Gail, Chris, PJ Config: Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 1 4 2 5 2009Aug10: adjust focus and find offsets. Gam Tri (cal, 2 sets), algol (2 sets) 2009Aug11: 7 and (cal), beta cas, Gam Tri(cal), algol (2 sets) 2009Aug12: Omi And, 7 and (cal), beta cas (3T & 4T), Gam Tri(cal), algol (4 sets) 2009Aug13: Deneb (data is crap, ignore),7 And (cal), Phi Per, Gam Tri(cal), algol (3 sets) 2009Aug14-17: flying ash caused by forest fire, no observation 2009Aug18: Phi Per, Gam Tri(cal, 3T & 4T), algol (3T) 2009Aug19: Gam Tri (cal), algol(2 sets) Config: Teles: S2 E2 W1 W2 POPs : 2 5 2 5 2009Aug20: Gam Tri (cal), algol(3 sets), Phi Per, Zet Per (cal) 2009Aug21: Gam Tri (cal), algol(2 sets) 2009Aug22: Deneb (test Photometric Channels, no fringes) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since 2009Aug23, we have photometric channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Aug23 - 2009Aug25 Observers: Rob, Gail, Chris Config1: Teles: S1 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 1 5 1 5 Config2: Teles: S2 E2 W1 W2 POPs : 1 1 1 5 2009Aug23: S1-E1-W1-W2: 7_And (cal), Lam_And S2-E2-W1-W2: 7_And (cal), Lam And (2 sets), 37 And(cal, 2 sets), Phi Per 2009Aug24: S1-E1-W1-W2: 7_And (2 sets, cal), Lam_And(4 sets), 37_And(cal, 2 sets) S2-E2-W1-W2: 7_And (2 sets, cal), Lam And (3 sets), 37 And(cal, 2 sets), Algol(2 sets) 2009Aug25: S1-E1-W1-W2: 7_And (6 sets, cal), Lam_And(6 sets), 37_And(cal, 2 sets) S2-E2-W1-W2: 7_And (2 sets, cal), HR 75(cal), Lam_And(4 sets), 37 And(cal, 2 sets) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Oct19 - 2009Oct23 Observer: Ming, Fabien, PJ Config: Teles: S2 E1 W1 W2 POPs : 1 1 4 5 2009Oct19: Gam cas (2 sets), del per (2 sets, cal), 45 per (2 sets), bet aur, 10 Aur (2 sets, cal) 2009Oct20 & 21: because of humidity and bad seeing, we didn't have any good data. 2009Oct22: tet cyg (2 sets, cal), alf cep (2 sets), bet cas (2 sets), 37 And (2 sets, cal), Ups And (2 sets), eps cas (2 sets, cal), 45 per (3 sets), 10 Aur (2 sets, cal), 2009Oct23: tet cyg (2 sets, cal), 65 cyg, 7_and (3 sets), gam cas (2 sets), Ups And (2 sets), del per (2 sets, cal) 45 per (3 sets), bet aur(2 sets) note: del per is a binary system, not a good calibrator. Could use 45 per as a calibrator. 2009Oct22&23 has a polarizer between prism and doublet --------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Nov2 - 2009Nov4 (with polarizer) Observer: Ming, Fabien, Gail, Bob Stencel, Brian, Chris, PJ COnfig: Teles: S1-E1-W1-W2 & S2-E2-W1-W2 (two configs within one night) POPs: 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 5 2009Nov02: S1-E1-W1-W2: 37 And (cal, but no shutter), Ups And, 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur (cal) S2-E2-W1-W2: 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur, 38 Aur (cal) 2009Nov03: Observing with PAVO, with LCD in. Need to treat this night differently in calibration. S1-E1-W1-W2: Zet Cas (cal), Eps Per (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur S2-E2-W1-W2: Eps Per (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur 2009Nov04: S1-E1-W1-W2: Zet Cas (cal), Eps Per (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur (cal) S2-E2-W1-W2: Eps Per (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur, Eps Aur, 10 Aur ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Nov07 - 2009Nov09 (with polarizer and 40micron slit on 2009Nov07) (with polarizer only on 2009Nov08-09, except first cal on 8th where slit was in and then taken out) Observers: Rob, Gail, PJ, Chris Config: Teles: S1-E1-W1-W2 & S2-E2-W1-W2 (two configs within one night) POPs: 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 5 2009Nov07: S1-E1-W1-W2: 45 Per (cal), 2 Aur, 10 Aur (cal) S2-E2-W1-W2: 10 Aur (cal), 2 Aur, HR 2586 (cal) 2009Nov08: S1-E1-W1-W2: 37 And (cal, slit in), 1 Aur, 10 Aur (cal) 2009Nov09: S1-E1-W1-W2: 37 And (cal), 1 Aur, 10 Aur (cal) S2-E2-W1-W2: 10 Aur (cal), Lam Aur (cal), 1 Aur ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Nov10 (with polarizer) Observers: Gail, Chris, PJ Config1: Tels:S1-E1-W1-W2 POPs: 3 1 1 5 Config2: Tels:S2-E2-W1-W2 - offsets found (no obs because of weather) POPs: 4 4 1 5 2009Nov10: S1-E1-W1-W2: HD 10348 (cal), Eta Tau, Zet Per (cal), Zet Tau, 71 Ori (cal), Bet CMi, 79 Cnc (cal) 2009Nov11: cloudy, no observations 2009Nov12: cloudy, no observations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Dec02 - 2009Dec04 (Stencel) Observers: Brian, Fabien, Gail, Chris, PJ Mode: H-band, 40-micron slit Baselines : S1(1)-E1(5)-W1(1)-W2(5) S2(1)-E2(1)-W1(1)-W2(5) 2009Dec02: S1-E1-W1-W2: 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur S2-E2-W1-W2: Eps Per (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur (cal), 38 Aur (cal), sig Gem, 79 Cnc (cal) Note: MIRC headers corrupted because of 64-bit ople upgrade 2009Dec03: S1-E1-W1-W2: Eps Per (cal), Eps Aur, 9 Aur (cal) S2-E2-W1-W2: 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur, HR 2153 (cal), Eps Aur (3T), 10 Aur (cal), HR 2153 (cal) Note: MIRC headers corrupted because of 64-bit ople upgrade 2009Dec04: S1-E1-W1-W2: no observations - bad seeing (R_0 < 3 cm) S2-E2-W1-W2: Eps Per (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur (3T), 10 Aur (cal), HR 2153 (cal) Note: using old ople disk, MIRC headers ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2009Dec20 - 2009Dec21 PI - Gies - O-star triples No observations because of road closures due to mud/rock slides. GHS unable to be onsite for the MIRC observing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2010Feb18 - 2010Feb19 (Stencel) Observers: Gail, PJ, Theo, Nils, John (skype) (Chris found offsets on Feb17) Mode: H-band Baselines : S1(1)-E1(1)-W1(3)-W2(5) S2(1)-E2(2)-W1(3)-W2(5) 2010Feb18: S2-E2-W1-W2: 10 Aur (cal), Eps Aur, 10 Aur (cal, 3T), HR 2153 (cal, 3T), 38 Lyn (cal, 3T) 2010Feb19: S1-E1-W1-W2: eps Aur (3T) - uncalibrated (thin haze, fast piston) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UT 2010May25 2010May27 (Be stars, mass loss) Observers: Gail, Chris, PJ Mode: H-band Baseline: S1(5)-E2(1)-W1(2)-W2(5) Found classic offsets but no MIRC observations mostly because of high humidity and clouds; partly because of TT camera malfunction on second night. ----------------------------------------------------------------------