2006Aug27: JDM Update 2006Dec16: update by Ajay 2007June : Ajay update 2008June : Ajay update 2009June : Rafael update 2010June : Stefan update 2010Nov: Rafael update This file will contain brief summary of runs, who participated, and what objects were observed using CHARA CLASSIC+CLIMB. The companion file CHARA_Target_History for this information organized differently. --------------------------------------------- 2004 June 29 - July 21 ------------------------ MONNIER: July 29-July 11 Pedretti: July 8-July 21 Myriam Benisty came for a few days at the end. Two Configs: Looking South: W1(P1)-S1(P4) North: S2 - W2 UT2004Jul01 _ UT2004Jul02 - UT2004Jul03 - UT2004Jul04 - UT2004Jul05 Bet Aqr (W1-S1) UT2004Jul06 MWC 361 (S2-W2) UT2004Jul07 - UT2004Jul08 MWC 361 (S2-W2) UT2004Jul09 MWC 275 (W1-S1) UT2004Jul10 - UT2004Jul11 MWC 361 (W1-S1) UT2004Jul12 - UT2004Jul13 - UT2004Jul14 - UT2004Jul15 - UT2004Jul16 - UT2004Jul17 - UT2004Jul18 Eta Aql (W1-S1) UT2004Jul19 - UT2004Jul20 Eta Aql (W1-S1) UT2004Jul21 Eta Aql (W1-S1) ------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 July 14-28 --------------- Monnier & Tannirkulam for whole time. Millan-Gabet comes up from Pasadena a few times. Configs: South looking: W1(P1)-S1(P4) UT2005Jul15 - UT2005Jul16 - UT2005Jul17 Alp Equ (W1-S1) UT2005Jul18 Alp Equ (W1-S1) UT2005Jul19 - changed to W1(P1)-W2(P4) vacuum broken 100-150 torr in pipes for a few days. UT2005Jul20 MWC 275, MWC361 UT2005Jul21 - UT2005Jul22 MWC 275, MWC361 UT2005Jul23 MWC361 UT2005Jul24 MWC361 UT2005Jul25 MWC361 UT2005Jul26 MWC275, Bet Lyr changed to S2(P4)-W2(P4) UT2005Jul27 Alp Equ, null data on MWC 275 UT2005Jul28 - 2005 Nov 21-30 -------------- Millan-Gabet & Tannirkulam. Configs: W1(1) - S2(3) UT2005Nov22 - UT2005Nov23 - UT2005Nov24 - UT2005Nov25 - UT2005Nov26 - UT2005Nov27 - UT2005Nov28 - changed to W1(1) - S1(2) UT2005Nov29 - changed to E2(2)-W2(5) UT2005Nov30 - UT2005Dec01 HD 82943 Spitzer 10 micron excess source ---------------- 2006 Jun22 - 28 Monnier & Tannirkulam Configs: W2(4)-S2(4) (South), W2(4)-E1(1) (North) UT2006Jun22 MWC 275 (S), MWC 361 (N) Configs: W1-E1, W2-S2 (South), W2-E1 (North) UT2006Jun23 MWC 275 (South), MWC 361 (North) Configs: W2-E2 (North only) UT2006Jun24 MWC 361 (North), WR 140 (not calibrator) UT2006Jun25 MWC 361 (North) UT2006Jun26 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2006 Aug 19 - Our MIRC run is delayed due to vacuum pump problems and the accidental erasure of the MIRC mirkwood operating system. We have been using NIRO instead. We used many configs. UT2006Aug19 Alp Peg (W1-E2) UT2006Aug20 Alp Oph (S2-E2), Alp Peg (S2-E2,W1-W2) UT2006Aug21 Alp Oph (W1-E2) [failed on MWC 275, 361 UT2006Aug22 MWC 275 (E2-S2), MWC 361 (E2-W2), WR 140 (E2-W2), HD 195987 (E2-W2), AB Aur (S1-E1) UT2006Aug23 MWC 275 (E2-S2), MWC 361 (E2-W2), AB Aur (S1-E1) 2006 Dec12-18 --------------- Millan-Gabet & Tannirkulam. We used 3 configs E2(2)-W2(2), S1(1)-W1(4) & S1(1)-E1(1). The configurations are optimized for AB Aur to cover baseline ranges between 85-160m, 200m-270m and 300-330m. UT2006Dec12 23Uma (E2-W2) UT2006Dec13 Zeta Leo (E1-S1), saw E1-S1 fringes on AB aur but could not keep them because of poor seeing & clouds. UT2006Dec14 Eta Tau (E2-W2), Zeta Tau (E2-W2), AB Aur (S1-E1), Zeta Leo (S1-E1) UT2006Dec15 AB Aur (E2-W2), Beta Aur (E2-W2), saw S1W1 fringes on AB Aur briefly but could not keep them because of fast seeing. 23 Uma (S1-W1) UT2006Dec16 Eta Tau (E2-W2) UT2006Dec17 - UT2006Dec18 - 2007 June6-17 --------------- Millan-Gabet & Tannirkulam 4 configurations were used W1(1)-W2(5), W2(5)-E2(3), W1(1)-E2(3) & W1(1)-S2(5). The configurations were optimized for V1295Aql looking north and MWC275 looking south. A few targets were observed at H band as well. UT2007June06 - UT2007June07 - UT2007June08 V1295Aql (W1-W2) UT2007June09 MWC361 (W1-W2), V1295Aql (W1-W2) UT2007June10 Engineering night UT2007June11 H band observations - MWC361 (W2-E2), WR140 (W2-E2) UT2007June12 MWC361 (W2-E2), saw E2-W2 fringes on V1295Aql but could not keep them because of bad seeing. UT2007June13 WR140 (W2-E2), got a few scans of W2-E2 data on V1295Aql. UT2007June14 MWC361 (W2-E2) & (E1-W2), saw W1-E2 fringes on on V1295 Aql but could not keep them due to bad seeing. UT2007June15 H-band observations of MWC275 (W1-S2), MWC361 (W1-E2) UT2007June16 MWC361 (W1-E2) , MWC275 (W1-S2) UT2006June17 MWC275 (W1-S2), MWC361 (W1-S2) 2007 Dec6-13 ------------- 3 configurations were used E2(4)-W2(5), W1(5)-S2(2), W1(5)-S2(2) The configurations were optimized for AB Aur, MWC 480 and RY Tau to cover baselines between 85m-160m and 170m-240m. UT2007Dec7 Dec11 no observing due to bad weather. UT2007Dec11 Very poor seeing (1-2cm ro). Could not keep fringes on calibrators. shut down early. UT2007Dec12 tried AB Aur on E2W2 and failed. Took data sets on ZZ Cmi and 2 sets of 30 scans on Alf Lyn. Alf Lyn fringes small and hard to keep. seeing poor 2-3cm. UT2007Dec13 tried AB Aur and MWC480 on S2-W2, failed. 3 sets of data on Beta Leo. observing interrupted a few times by clouds. UT2007Dec14 Started with S2W1 on MWC361. Failed due to bad W1 metrology, Shifted to S2W2. tried AB Aur, MWC480 and RyTau. Failed. Got 2 sets of data on ZZ Cmi and Beta Leo. 2008 June11-17 -------------- Tannirkulam 6 configurations were used W1(1)-W2(5), E2(3)-W2(5), W1(1)-S2(4), S1(1)-W2(5), W1(1)-S2(1) & W1(1)-E2(3). UT2008June12 MWC361(W1-W2), MWC275 (W1-W2) & WR140 (W1-W2) UT2008June13 MWC361(W1-W2, E2-W2), tried V1295 Aql on W1W2, failed. WR140(E2-W2) UT2008June14 MWC361(W1-W2), V1295 Aql (W1-W2), tried E2-W2 failed. WR140 (E2-W2) UT2008June15 MWC361(W1-W2), MWC275 (W1-W2, W1-S2), WR140 (E2-W2) UT2008June16 WR140 (S1-W2), MWC275 (W1-S2) UT2008June17 MWC361(W1-S2), WR140(W1-S2), V1295 Aql (W1-S2), tried V1295 aql W1E2, failed UT2008June18 MWC361 (W1-S2), WR140 (W1-S2), V1295 Aql (W1-S2), tried V1295 Aql W1E2, failed. 2008Oct ------- not sure who observed (gail?) 2008Oct25 CI Cam .... 2008Oct26 CI Cam 2009 June15-25 -------------- Millan-Gabet & Xiao 4 configurations. primary goal: complete the baseline coverage on v1295aql. S2W1 POPs 4/1 E2W2 POPs 1/4 S1E2 POPs 5/1 S2E2 POPs 1/4 last configuration imposed on us due to sharing last 3 nights nights with MIRC. Kband unless specified. ut 19 june 2009 HD158352 (E2W2), v1295aql (E2W2) ut 20 june 2009 wr140 (S2W1), v1295aql (S2W1) ut 21 june 2009 v1295aql (S2W1) - bad weather search ut 22 june 2009 wr140 (S2W1), v1295aql (E2W2), v1295aql (S1E2) ut 23 june 2009 wr140 (S2E2), mwc361 (S2E2), Kband sensitivity tests, wr140 (S2E2) ut 24 june 2009 HD142666 (S2E2), mwc275 Hband (S2E2), v1295aql Hband (S2E2), v1295aql Kband (S2E2) ut 25 june 2009 wr140 (S2E2), mwc275 Hband (S2E2), v1295aql Kband (S2E2) 2009 October27-30 ----------------- Millan-Gabet, Yamina, Fabien Baron 2 configurations. primary goal: TTauri pilot study. Kband, SYNC mode ut 28-30 october 2009 bad weather, no observing. ut 31 october 2009 v1295aql(S2W1),ry tau (E1S1),su aur (E1S1) ut 01 november 2009 (all S1E1) ry tau,fu ori,su aur,bp tau,rw aur 2009 November 23-26 ------------------- Fabien Baron, Ettore Pedretti ut 23 november 2009 FU Ori (S1W1), poor snr though ut 24 november 2009 (all S1W1) RY Tau, MWC758 ut 25 november 2009 MWC147 (E1W2) ut 26 november 2009 RY Tau (E1W2, need to be salvaged as long shutter sequence crashed) 2010 Jun 8-17 ------------------- Stefan Kraus, Rafael Millan-Gabet, John Monnier, Fabien Baron primary goal: V1295 Aql, MWC275 ut 08 june 2010 CLIMB: WR140 (2x, S2-E2-W1), MWC361 (1x, S2-E2-W1) ut 09 june 2010 --- ut 10 june 2010 --- ut 11 june 2010 --- ut 12 june 2010 --- ut 13 june 2010 CLIMB: MWC361 (1x, S2-E2-W2) ut 14 june 2010 CLASSIC: Delta Sco (2x, S1-W2), MWC863 (1x, S1-W2), V1295Aql (2x, S1-W2), V1295Aql (3x, S1-E2) ut 15 june 2010 CLASSIC: HD142666 (1x, S2-W1), V1295Aql (1x, W1-E2), MWC361 (3x, W1-E2) ut 16 june 2010 CLASSIC: V1295Aql (4x, S1-E1) ut 17 june 2010 CLASSIC: Zeta Oph (2x, S1-E1), V1295Aql (5x, S1-W1), Omi Aqr (2x, S1-W1) 2010 Jul 10-22 ------------------- Fabien Baron, Rafael Millan-Gabet primary goal: summer YSOs ut 10 july 2010 --- ut 11 july 2010 CLIMB: MWC275 (1x S1S2W2, 2x S1S2 only) ut 12 july 2010 CLIMB: MWC275 (1x, E1E2W1) HD142666 (1x, E1E2W1) MWC361 (1x, S1W1 only) ut 13 july 2010 CLIMB: MWC275 (1x, E1E2), WR140 (5x, E1E2S1) ut 14 july 2010 CLIMB: MWC275 (1x, E1E2W1), MWC340 (1x, E1E2W1) ut 15 july 2010 CLIMB: MWC275 (2x, E1E2W1), MWC340 (1x, E1E2W1), MWC361 (1x, E1E2W1) ut 16 july 2010 CLIMB: MWC361 (4x, E1E2W1) ut 17 july 2010 CLIMB: MWC361 (2x, S1E2W1) ut 18 july 2010 CLIMB: MWC340 (1x, S1E2W1), MWC361 (2x, S1E2W1) ut 19 july 2010 CLASSIC: MWC340 (1x, S1W1) ut 20 july 2010 CLASSIC: MWC863 (2x, E1W1), MWC614 (2x, E1W1), MWC340 (3x, E1W1) ut 21 july 2010 CLASSIC: MWC614 (2x, E1S1), MWC340 (4x, E1S1), WR140 (3x, E1S1) ut 22 july 2010 CLASSIC: v1295aql (3x, E1S1), MWC340 (4x, E1S1), WR140 (3x, E1S1) 2010 Sep 29 - Oct 04 -------------------- Yamina Touhami primary goal: TTS with CLIMB ut 20 sep 2010 CLIMB: v1295aql (4x S2E2W2), RYTau (1x S1E1W1) ut 02 oct 2010 CLIMB: RYTau (5x S1E1W1), SUAur (1x S1E1W1), FUOri (3x S1E1W1) ut 03 oct 2010 CLIMB: RYTau (5x S1E1W1) ut 04 oct 2010 CLIMB: v1295aql (1x S2E2W2), v1972cyg (2x S2E2W2) -- very bad data ALSO: ut 15 oct 2010 VEGA: ABAur (1x E1E2, MR Halpha) 2010 Nov 28 - Dec 05 -------------------- Stefan Kraus primary goal: Herbig Ae/Be + TTS with CLIMB ut 28 nov 2010 --- ut 29 nov 2010 --- ut 30 nov 2010 CLIMB: FU Ori (1x S1E1W1), MWC758 (3x S2W1W2), Beta CMi (2x S2W1W2) ut 01 dec 2010 CLIMB: MWC147 (3x S2E2W2) ut 02 dec 2010 CLIMB: MWC147 (1x S2W2(E1)), MWC166 (2x S1E2W1), RY Tau (3x S2E1W2), SU Aur (1x S2E1W2) ut 03 dec 2010 CLIMB: AB Aur (3x S2E1W2), SU Aur (1x (S2)E1W2), Beta CMi (4x S2W2W2) ut 04 dec 2010 CLIMB: FU Ori (3x S2E1W2 + 2x E1W2), MWC147 (1x S2E1W2 + 1x E1W2) ut 05 dec 2010 ---