2011-06-25 (UT) ========== Program: CL6 (YSO Imaging, PI: Millan-Gabet et al.) Observers: Rafael, PJ B1 B2 B3 ---------- S1 E2 W2 (W2=REF) (S1S2E1E2W1W2: 4-4-1-1-1-5) CLIMB on beam 1,2,3 LT - 20:30 *** S1E2W2, W2=ref. same config as yesterday, attempt different targets. humidity 20% r0 = 3 cm LT - 20:30 check star and NIRO align on delta sco = HD143275 offsets: S1 1485um / E2 2210um much lower flux than yesterday on HD163955 niro align again on delta sco 22:00 offsets: S1 1760um / E2 1960um niro align on HD163955 several beams were off -- perhaps we aligned on delta sco saturating?? 2000Hz NONDEST 22:16 fringes on HD163955 offsets: S1 2000um / E2 2400um counts: 40 / 40 / 20 -- lower than yesterday. 22:40 now go for mwc863 1000Hz NONDEST 22:45 cal HD152429 offsets: S1 2000um / E2 2100um counts: 40 / 40 / 20 fringes look kind of crappy for a cal ... seeing is not very good 23:00 mwc863 = HD150193 = CHARA 187041 found S1W2 fringe but not the others ... changed to 750Hz, ~40 counts on mwc863 not finding fringes ... 750Hz NONDEST 23:20 back to calibrator HD152429 for sanity check offsets: S1 1960um / E2 1860um counts: 30 / 35 / 30 crappy seeing fringes all over ... try slower camera rate 500Hz NONDEST 23:40 cal HD152429 offsets: S1 2000um / E2 1800um counts down to ~10! no clouds ... redo niro align -- some beams were off indeed. counts up! 500Hz NONDEST 23:40 cal HD152429 offsets: S1 2000um / E2 1750um counts ~50 00:05 mwc863 counts ~60 no fringes ... 00:23 try nearby target HD142666 2000um / 1300um counts ~60 nice, tiny fringe on S1E2! 00:45 cal HD152429 out of delay 01:05 cal HD148211 2100um / 1300um counts ~30? 01:15 try mwc863 again cannot find fringes, fluxes OK. target HD142666 out of delay. go for target mwc614 = HD179218 r0 ~ 4-6cm at this higher elevation 500Hz NONDEST 01:30 cal HD177305 niro align 02:10 cal HD177305 1500um / 1050um counts ? V ~ 0.5-0.6 02:32 target mwc614 1400um / 970um counts ~ 60 V ~ 0.2 -- seems resolved 02:50 cal HD177305 1400um / 800um counts ~ 60 could not find the fringes for some reason ... checked back on last mwc614 position ... OK ... 1400um / 700um 03:20 cal HD181253 1400um / 700um counts ~ 50 out of delay on mwc614 go for v1295 aql 03:30 niro align on cal HD189509 500Hz NONDEST 03:40 cal HD189509 1400um / 900um counts ~ 60 V ~ 0.5 04:00 v1295Aql saturating ... change rate to 750Hz NONDEST 1400um / 750um counts ~ 40 taking a long time to acquire the 200 good scans ... V ~ 0.1 - 0.15 04:30 cal HD189509 1400um / 650um counts ~ 60 V ~ 0.5 04:50 done. --- Summary: MWC863: several unsuccessful attempts at finding fringes, must be low Vis. HD142666: 1 bracket. MWC614: 1 bracket. v1295 Aql: 1 bracket. ---