UT 17 June 2013 CHARA/CLIMB - CL10 - PI: Millan-Gabet et al. Observers: Nic, Rafael. Configuration: beams 1-2(REF)-3 = W2-W1-E2 POPs 4-1-1: starting configuration beams 1-2(REF)-3 = S1-W1-E1 POPs 1-2-3: backup configuration clear, windy ut 04:00 - local 21:00 check star HD141853 NIRO ALIGN offsets: cannot find fringes on either baseline... weird. change star took a long time to get fringes... turned out to be terrible seeing... check star HD139329 NIRO ALIGN -2600um / -650um -2500um / -700um NIRO 500Hz 22:25 cal HD141937 -2400um / -500um still very bad seeing... not really worth taking data even on the calibrator... counts ~ 30 saved some data, take a look at target now 23:00 trg HD142666 -2400um / -775um counts ~ 20, but had to change to NIRO 250Hz crap ... not saving data ... hd142666 is not going to work tonight... switch target NIRO 500Hz / MEDSCAN / DEST 23:55 cal HD163955 -3000um / -700um counts ~ 70 saving data 00:15 trg mwc275 can see the W1W2 fringe (barely) - still bad seeing... go back to cal wait for seeing to improve... 00:20 cal HD163955 watching the fringes for improving seeing... try mwc361 NIRO 750Hz / MEDSCAN / DEST 01:30 cal HD201636 NIRO ALIGN -3500um / -800um 02:30 trg mwc361 = HD200775 02:35 cal HD201636 -3400um / -800um 02:45 trg mwc361 -3200um / -550um 02:50 cal HD202719 -3200um / -600um change to: NIRO 750Hz / MEDSCAN / DEST 03:00 cal HD202719 -3200um / -600um 03:05 trg mwc361 03:10 cal HD201636 -3200um / -650um 03:15 trg mwc361 -3000um / -460um 03:20 cal HD202719 -3100um / -630um 03:30 trg mwc361 ?? cal HD201636 03:45 trg mwc361 03:55 cal HD202719 move REF NIRO ALIGN 04:00 cal HD202719 04:06 trg mwc361 -2900um / -600um w2 lost tip/tilt during last few foregrounds 04:15 cal HD201636 going thru transit... lost tip/tilt for some scans. done. --- Summary: W2-W1-E2 tried hd142666 but seeing horrific. tried mwc275 but seeing horrific. mwc361: 7 brackets. ---